This week ProZorro.Sale is celebrating the five months anniversary of the first successful small privatization auction. During this time, small privatization has brought the national budget and municipal budgets almost UAH 600 mil. Executive Director of TI Ukraine Andrii Borovyk speaks about the results of 2018 and expectations from small privatization in 2019.
“It is an important focus area, especially because for the past 25 years, privatization has been seen by Ukrainians as something negative, criminal and corrupt. ProZorro.Sale and small privatization change this idea completely and show that sales can be open, honest, based on clear rules and absolutely competitive.”
“The launch of this project is remarkable. ProZorro.Sale was created two years ago with a different purpose, but it has grown. Now, small privatization has been added to its portfolio. Perhaps, in the future, there will be more types of sales added to it.”
“I hope that all the lots that are currently in the system will be sold with the minimum number of complaints and the maximum price, the way that works best for the country and for local communities, and that this process will continue. It makes sense for the country to get rid of things it cannot manage effectively, and for Ukrainians to use those assets,” says Andrii Borovyk.
For reference
Small privatization is sale of enterprises, land plots, buildings and stocks owned by the national or local government. Small privatization is limited to objects costing UAH 250,000,000 or less. In Ukraine, small privatization is supported by EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI). All the numbers can be found in the public business intelligence module: https://bi.prozorro.sale/#/analysisSSP
ProZorro.Sale is an electronic trade system created at the initiative of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, Transparency International Ukraine, Deposit Guarantee Fund, the National Bank of Ukraine and Ukrainian electronic platforms. It is constructed based on the same values and principles as ProZorro.
It makes sense for the country to get rid of things it cannot manage effectively, and for Ukrainians to use those assets.
Andrii Borovyk, Executive Director of TI Ukraine