The Village Ukraine asked experts about the course of action they recommend for people who are asked for a bribe. Maksym Kostetskyi, TI Ukraine’s legal advisor, also joined the conversation.
There are two options here. Everything depends on the goal you have. If you just want to be done with the situation and move on – just say ″no.”
Maksym Kostetskyi suggests alerting law enforcement agencies if you want to prosecute a person. For example, say something like, ″See you next time″. After this conversation, alert law enforcement agencies.
If you need it, you can turn on your tape recorder, phone or camera. FYI, the rule about obligatory consent to be taped does not apply to civil servants. Therefore, go to the police when you have evidence, for example, a phone recording.
After that, law enforcement must be controlled as much as possible. Those who faced similar situations understand that law enforcement doesn’t usually work well even after you’ve filed a report. The more you pressure them, the better chance that case will go to the court. So it depends on the court whether the official will be charged.
Speaking about ″a charitable donation,” only the court can decide if it was a donation or illegal benefit. For that, everything must be formal and properly licensed. For example, in the case of hospitals and donations, funds are spent not on a charitable foundation and its goals, but to pay for doctor′s services