On April 19, 2018, a roundtable discussion Powers of Public Councils. Legal Tools, Forms and Scope of Influence will take place in Kyiv. The main objectives of the event are to figure out the current systems of cooperation between the public and the government, determine effective tools of influence and scope of powers.
Scholars, heads and members of public councils will participate in the discussion – from newly created anti-corruption agencies to district administrations and ministries. Representatives of public agencies and civil society organizations will join the discussion as well.
The participants who have already confirmed their registration are Mykola Khavroniuk, PhD in Law, who will present an expert opinion on powers of Civic Oversight Council under the NABU, Volodymyr Sushchenko, research doctorate in Law, Head of the Internal Control Department of the NABU Roman Maselko and members of the council, Head of the Public Council under the ARMA Hlib Kanevskyi, Head of the NAPC Council Viktor Taran, Head of the Public Council under Kyiv Public Administration Bohdan Nazarenko, Deputy Head of the Public Council under the Ministry of Justice Vasyl Honcharuk, member of the PIC Halyna Chyzhyk, former member of the Public Council under the NAPC Oleksandra Drik and others.
Based on the results of the discussion, the main outcomes will be published, which should help representatives of public councils to exercise their powers.