Google users in Ukraine regularly look up how to buy a driver’s license. You can also hear it brought up in conflicts on Ukrainian roads.
But those who have decided to go the easy way are not fully aware that they are triggering a chain reaction. The low level of training leads to an increase in accidents and, consequently, an increase in the number of deaths in car crashes. In 2019, there were 160,675 road accidents in Ukraine. What part of them could be avoided if drivers received proper theoretical and practical training? The figure will be quite large.
Obstruction from the Start
However, consider a situation where a person has a sincere desire to learn, but even during a course at a driving school, they cannot do so.
Bribes are not required. Their ways are more subtle:
– they deliberately prevent students from getting the necessary knowledge necessary to pass the practical part of the test;
– they give students a lower score during practical tests.
At the final moment, students are offered to resolve the problem “informally.” Unfortunately, future drivers often buy into this. They decide to “insure” themselves and still give a bribe for passing the exam. Such cases are not uncommon and eventually lead not only to an increase in corruption, but also to a decrease in road safety due to unsatisfactory driver training.
Experts advise:
- to file a complaint with the management of the driving school or the territorial service center where the exam is held;
- to report extortion to law enforcement.
Passing the Exam: What You Need to Know
There is an official document regulating all information on driving exams. The exams are held by territorial service centers of the Interior Ministry (hereinafter TSC MIA). They also issue, exchange, return, store, annul and even destroy drivers’ licenses. To receive these services, you need to register in the online waiting list.
Persons are allowed to take the exams if they reach a certain age:
- 16 for A1, A categories;
- 18 for B1, B, C1, C categories;
- 19 for BE, C1E, A categories;
- 21 for D1, D, D1E, T categories.
The exam process is recorded for technical oversight.
The exams are conducted in the following sequence:
First exam is on the knowledge of Traffic Rules.
It is held by authorized employees of the territorial service center on special TSC premises. The examiners are appointed by the regional service center, while questions in exam cards are selected by the Main Service Center of the MIA.
Before the theoretical part of the exam, the examiner must check if the automatic workplace functions correctly and explain the peculiarities of results assessment to the individual.
Each card contains 20 questions with two to five answer options. Only one option is correct. All questions must be answered in 20 minutes!
You will not pass the exam if you:
– make three mistakes;
– fail to complete the test in 20 minutes;
– use additional materials during the exam.
The result of a successful theoretical exam is valid for three months.
The second stage is the exam on driving skills in practice. It is done on a TSC MIA vehicle with certain special characteristics.
First, the test is held on a learning ground, and then in the street. The total duration cannot exceed 60 minutes. At least 10 minutes should be allocated to driving on the learning ground, and at least 20 — to a practical test on the road.
Of course, if a person refuses to perform any exercise of the exam (except when the execution of the examiner’s command will lead to a traffic violation or an emergency situation) or creates an emergency situation, it is considered that he or she did not pass the exam.
You can retake the exam in no less than five consecutive days. However, the person receiving a license for the first time failing to pass the exam three times, they need to retake the entire course again.
Those who did pass exams on the knowledge of the Traffic Rules and on driving skills receive a driver’s license valid for thirty years.
By following this path, you can avoid corruption schemes, gain the necessary skills and confidence to drive.