Transparency International Ukraine announces a call to select five Board members. The term of office is until December 2022.
The Board of TI Ukraine is the organization’s governing body, which considers and approves the organization’s focus areas, annual budget and operational plan, approves program documents (find out more in the Charter, section 5.4).
At the beginning of December 2020, the regular Membership Conference will be held online, at which a new Board will be elected. During the meeting, candidates will be able to present their own vision of TI Ukraine’s development and their personal contribution to the organization’s progress.
In order to participate in the competition, please file:
– your CV (education, telephone number, email, place of residence, experience of professional, civic and political activity);
– description of your vision of TI Ukraine’s development and your personal contribution to the organization’s progress.
Board membership offers an opportunity to influence strategic goals of Transparency International Ukraine – leading organisation in the anti-corruption fight. The position is unpaid and requires involvement of few hours per month.
Please send these documents to [email protected] and [email protected] with the email subject Board Election.
PLEASE NOTE: all CVs and cover letters will be published on the website ti-ukraine.org.
Submission deadline: November 25, 2020, 11:59 p.m. EET.