On September 3, NABU Director Semyon Kryvonos dismissed Gizo Uglava, his first deputy. The NABU indicated the commission of a disciplinary offense by Uglava as the reason to dismiss him, namely the violation of the Oath of a Civil Servant, violation of the rules of ethical conduct of civil servants, the Law of Ukraine on Civil Service, and the Code of Ethics of a NABU employee.
This decision was preceded by an internal investigation and the findings of the disciplinary commission. However, it is difficult to assess the validity of the grounds for Uglava’s dismissal, since the text of the findings has not been published.
In any case, today’s dismissal of the First Deputy Director is the reaction of the NABU management to the investigation of a potential information leak. However, it does not solve the main problem—leaks of the pre-trial investigation information. The responsibility for moving towards its resolution rests with the NABU Director.
At the same time, this whole situation can be an impetus for a real improvement in the operation of the body. For the quality of this process, an independent audit of the NABU is undoubtedly a must; its conclusions will outline specific problematic areas in the activities of the body.
Gizo Uglava has worked in the NABU since its inception. In general, after today’s decision, the NABU leadership has been completely updated—for the first time in 9 years. Therefore, it is the newly appointed employees who will be responsible for the further results of the body’s activities. Anyway, we are now witnessing a new period in the operation of the NABU, but, unfortunately, this is happening within such a scandal.
That is why Transparency International Ukraine calls on the leadership of the NABU to continue working actively to counter information leaks regarding high-profile corruption cases. We also urge the Cabinet of Ministers to appoint auditors of the National Bureau as soon as possible.
That is why Transparency International Ukraine calls on the leadership of the NABU to continue working actively to counter information leaks regarding high-profile corruption cases. We also urge the Cabinet of Ministers to appoint auditors of the National Bureau as soon as possible.