Transparency International Ukraine urges the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption to cancel the procurement for performance of the audit of the Unified State Register of declarations. The chapter of the global network is convinced that the technical requirements to the participants of the procurement in question contain significant corruption risks. 

On November 27, 2017, the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption announced pre-threshold procurement for performance of the audit of the Unified State Register of declarations of individuals authorized to work in central or local public authorities, in the electronic procurement system ProZorro. For instance, the technical requirements include:

  • the requirement that the company has to be the resident of Ukraine, have no foreign authorized capital and no foreigners among founders of the company;
  • the requirement that the company must have at least 10 years of experience on the Ukrainian telecommunications market and in the area of creation/administration of distributed databases;
  • the requirement that the company must have successful experience of implementation of similar nationwide projects;
  • the requirement that the company must have established condition to work with information for official use only.


The deadline for submission of tender proposals is as soon as December 4, 2017.

TI Ukraine is convinced that the aforementioned requirements to participants of procurement and the deadline are discriminatory and have been written in a deliberate way to restrict the number of potential participants of the public procurement in question. The aforementioned corruption risks mean that the procured audit will not be independent, professional and impartia, thus invalidating its performance overall.

As a reminder, on November 8, 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ordered to perform the audit of the Unified State Register of declarations by October of 2018. That is why such restrictive deadlines are surprising at the very least. 

TI Ukraine urges the National Agency for Prevention of Corruption to cancel the procurement which contains significant corruption risks and duly prepare requirements to conduct new public procurement for audit of the Unified State Register of declarations, enabling foreign legal entities to participate and with a reasonable deadline for submission of tender proposals.