TI Ukraine urges MPs to vote for amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code, as without them, investigating corruption will not be very effective.
Given the high public demand for corruption counteraction, law enforcement bodies should have adequate legislative framework and effective tools of investigation. Experts, civil society organizations and Ukraine’s international partners have been speaking about these amendments for years.
The changes to the Criminal Procedural Code, that are highly necessary, include the following:
- the right to independent wiretapping for the NABU and the SIB. Today, these agencies cannot use wiretapping without the SBU or the National Police, which renders some investigations useless due to information leaks;
- the right of Prosecutor General, Deputy Prosecutor General, head of the regional prosecutor’s office to delegate serving somebody with charges to other prosecutors and investigators, since the lack of this option was the formal reason behind numerous court decisions that the suspect was not considered brought to criminal liability;
- calculation of the pretrial investigation period starting from the moment of serving with charges;
- abolishment of the monopoly of public forensic institutions over forensic reviews. The obligation of parties in a criminal proceeding to use only public institutions significantly restricts the options to protect one’s rights in court.
Passing amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code would make pretrial investigation more effective, including that in high-profile corruption-related cases. Transparency International Ukraine is convinced that such tools will contribute to professional and independent work of law enforcement bodies and to establishment of the rule of law in Ukraine.
Passing amendments to the Criminal Procedural Code would make pretrial investigation more effective, including that in high-profile corruption-related cases. Transparency International Ukraine is convinced that such tools will contribute to professional and independent work of law enforcement bodies and to establishment of the rule of law in Ukraine.