What is the real situation with corruption in Ukraine? What steps does the government actually take to fight against it? How effective are they?
The Center of Policy and Legal Reform, with the support of Reanimation Package of Reforms experts and independent experts, have published a draft Alternative Report on the National Anti-Corruption Policy Implementation Effectiveness Assessment.
The Center invites everyone to leave comments and recommendations in the form: http://bit.ly/cplrreportform. You can also leave your comments on the report on CPLR and TI Ukraine pages on social media.
The online discussion will continue until 19 February.
The draft report can be found here: http://bit.ly/cplrreport
The report has been prepared based on special methodology of comprehensive internal assessment of the country’s progress with anti-corruption, first used for a similar report in 2015 in 4 focus areas:
1) anti-corruption policies;
2) corruption prevention;
3) punishment for corruption and law enforcement;
4) international cooperation.
If you have any questions, please send them to Mariana Doboni, communications manager of the Center of Policy and Legal Reform, +38 066 335 82 83, [email protected].
The report has been prepared with the support of the IF Renaissance as part of the project Preparation of the Alternative Report on National Anti-Corruption Policy Effectiveness Assessment for 2017.
The Center invites everyone to leave comments and recommendations in the form: http://bit.ly/cplrreportform.