A year ago, on May 15, the NABU-SAPO caught Vsevolod Kniaziev, the then Head of the Supreme Court, receiving a bribe of USD 2.7 million. This was a real news bomb because never before in the history of Ukraine had a person of such a high rank been served with a suspicion notice of corruption.

According to the investigation, Kniaziev, in collusion with notary Kyrylo Horburov and lawyer Oleh Horetskyi, organized a scheme to receive bribes for adopting the necessary court decisions, in particular in favor of the oligarch Zhevaho. For this, the ex-head of the Supreme Court faces up to 12 years in prison.

A year ago, almost immediately after the suspicion notice was served, the Plenum of the Supreme Court removed Kniaziev from the post of Head of the Court, and the accused was taken into custody with an alternative of bail of UAH 107 million. The amount of bail was then reduced several times, and finally, on January 31, 2024, Kniaziev left the pre-trial detention center on bail of UAH 18 million.

array(3) { ["quote_image"]=> bool(false) ["quote_text"]=> string(122) "Never before in the history of Ukraine had a person of such a high rank been served with a suspicion notice of corruption." ["quote_author"]=> string(0) "" }

Never before in the history of Ukraine had a person of such a high rank been served with a suspicion notice of corruption.

What happens now to Kniaziev?

Since February 2024, Vsevolod Kniaziev has been suspended from administering justice until the verdict of the HACC enters into force or until the case against him is closed. Since the accused left the pre-trial detention center, he has had to wear an electronic bracelet and submit his passport. Kniaziev can only go abroad with the permission of the investigator, prosecutor, or court.

However, the ex-head of the Supreme Court still receives remuneration as an acting judge. In response to a journalistic inquiry, the Supreme Court reported that the monthly salary of Kniaziev was UAH 197,000. Thus, while in a pre-trial detention center, Kniaziev makes about UAH 2 million. 

At the same time, administrative proceedings were opened against Kniaziev. During the search, the judge found a contract under which he rented a 4-room apartment in Kyiv for only a thousand hryvnias. The court regarded the UAH 906,000 underpaid to the market value as an unlawfully received gift that could not be confiscated. Therefore, the assets of Kniaziev and his ex-wife were seized.

array(3) { ["quote_image"]=> bool(false) ["quote_text"]=> string(163) "The ex-head of the Supreme Court still receives remuneration as an acting judge. Thus, while in a pre-trial detention center, Kniaziev makes about UAH 2 million. " ["quote_author"]=> string(0) "" }

The ex-head of the Supreme Court still receives remuneration as an acting judge. Thus, while in a pre-trial detention center, Kniaziev makes about UAH 2 million. 

What about the accomplices of Kniaziev?

Lawyer Oleh Horetskyi, who, according to the NABU-SAPO, helped Kniaziev in the scheme, has already concluded a plea agreement, admitting to fraud and that he provided bribes to an official. According to the verdict of the court, Horetskyi was exempted from serving 5 years of imprisonment and was given 3 years of probation.

Interestingly, now the Criminal Court of Cassation is considering a complaint from Kniaziev on overturning the court verdict against Horetskyi. According to the defense attorney of the ex-head of the Supreme Court, Horetskyi’s relative called him asking to meet her, but he refused any negotiations. He considers such actions on the part of Horetskyi provocative because Kniaziev is forbidden from communicating with witnesses in the case.

Instead, Kyrylo Horburov, who, according to the prosecution, was looking for clients for Kniaziev’s transactions, was not even served with a suspicion notice. Kniaziev’s defense attorney stated that Horburov was a NABU agent and effectively provoked a crime in the interests of the NABU.

array(3) { ["quote_image"]=> bool(false) ["quote_text"]=> string(194) "Lawyer Oleh Horetskyi has already concluded a plea agreement, admitting to fraud and that he provided bribes to an official. Instead, Kyrylo Horburov was not even served with a suspicion notice." ["quote_author"]=> string(0) "" }

Lawyer Oleh Horetskyi has already concluded a plea agreement, admitting to fraud and that he provided bribes to an official. Instead, Kyrylo Horburov was not even served with a suspicion notice.

How is the case going in court?

Since March 13, 2024, the case against Kniaziev has been at the stage of preparatory proceedings. The pre-trial investigation lasted until October 4, 2023, and then the defense was reviewing the investigation materials for almost 5 months. Now the case is being heard by a panel of judges consisting of Serhii Moisak, Tymur Khamzin, and Vira Mykhailenko.

In the course of the proceedings, the defense has already filed a motion to reverse the indictment. According to defense attorneys, it does not seem to meet the requirements of the law, contains many mistakes, and does not mention other accomplices. The prosecutor disagreed with this, as did the court.

The defense also filed a motion for temporary access to documents that the prosecutor allegedly did not provide to them. The defense attorneys read out complaints and objections to the decisions of the investigating judges, who allowed to conduct operative-search measures in the case. The judges will then go to the deliberation room to decide on the defense’s motion and appoint the case for consideration on the merits.

Subsequently, the panel will examine the evidence that confirms the guilt or innocence of Kniaziev. Therefore, we should not expect a verdict against Kniaziev in the near future. TI Ukraine continues to monitor the progress of this case.