Today, we had a major win in the municipal property management sphere: the Parliament of Ukraine passed the new law “On the Lease of National and Municipal Property.”
Since February 1, 2020, selection of lessees of national or municipal property will take place through e-auctions in the electronic trade systems in complete transparency.
Key improvements:
- The list of property to be leased will be available in the electronic system. Now, Ukrainians will see how much actual property is leased in their communities, who leases it and for what amounts. This will be the first step towards transparent and public accounting of national and municipal property.
- The lessee will be selected through an open competition at an electronic auction, with price as the main criterion. This will ensure fair rules for businesses and enable citizens to get more money to the national budget.
- All lease agreements will be published in the electronic trade system. Citizens will have all the information about property lease available in one place.
Transparency International Ukraine provided amendments and recommendations to this draft law. We consider it a major victory that MPs took into account our recommendations to harmonize this law with the one on local self’government and elimination of the right to purchase leased facilities without a competition.
Thus, another major corruption risk in the legislation has been eliminated.
With that, we would like to support ProZorro.Sale as the administrator of such a trade system. This platform has already proven its ability to ensure full transparency and economic reliability multiple times and enables the government and Ukrainian cities to make over UAH 20 billion.
Transparency International Ukraine provided amendments and recommendations to this draft law. We consider it a major victory that MPs took into account our recommendations to harmonize this law with the one on local self'government and elimination of the right to purchase leased facilities without a competition.