Experts of Transparency International Ukraine analyzed and evaluated the implementation of recommendations for improving the capacity, management and interactions of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.
On October 7, Transparency International Ukraine presented the capacity, management and interaction of agencies that make up Ukraine’s anti-corruption infrastructure.
The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of the recommendations received by the NACP and other entities in 2020 as part of the above study.
The methodology of this study was based on the main approaches of the methodology of the National Integrity System, developed and implemented by Transparency International to assess the effectiveness of preventing and combating corruption within this or that country.
Study results
Last year, the NACP received an overall score of 3.3, with 1 being the lowest score and 5 being the highest. TI Ukraine provided 34 recommendations: 5 priority recommendations to improve this indicator and 29 other recommendations. One year after the presentation of the first NACP study, 4 out of 5 priority recommendations were partially implemented, and the latter is still awaiting implementation.
Thus, the updated overall score for NACP capacity, management and interaction as of September 20, 2021, is 3.6 points, which is 0.3 points better than last year. It can be noted that a year later, the NACP reached the level of NABU as of 2020, which also had 3.6 points.
According to the results of the analysis, among the priority recommendations, as last year, the following should be highlighted:
- Complete transparent and open competitive recruitment for job openings;
- Complete the introduction of a Case Management System and a system for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the agency and its employees;
- Harmonize the tasks set for the internal control directorate with the legislation;
- Conduct proper assessment of corruption risks in the NACP and reconsider the agency’s anti-corruption program engaging the public;
- Publish drafts and approved documents on the website; hold open public consultations prior to their approval.
We hope that the recommendations which ended up not fully implemented will be considered in the development of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention in the future.
See the full text of the study here.