SE ProZorro Sale created as continuation of the successful pilot project has obtained license for the use of the ProZorro.Sale system. The license is the first step in the procedure of system transfer from Transparency International Ukraine to the state-owned enterprise.
The next step of the transfer procedure is accreditation of the electronic platforms in ProZorro.Sale through the state enterprise. After that, the electronic system will be transferred from Transparency International Ukraine to SE ProZorro Sale.
We ask representatives of electronic platforms connected to ProZorro.Sale to submit applications and prepare documents for accreditation through SE ProZorro Sale. The accreditation is ________ and starts in 5 business days from the moment of publication of this message.
Please submit your queries to [email protected]
As a reminder, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine has registered the state-owned enterprise ProZorro Sale. Thus the pilot project ProZorro.Sale is gradually nearing the end and the reform of public sales is entering a new stage controlled by the state.
More (Ukrainian): https://prozorro.sale/news/prozorroprodazhi-peretvoryuyetsya-na-derzhavne-pidpriyemstvo