June 2 was the third day of interviews as part of the call for the election of the SAPO leadership. Basing on the results of the interviews, the commission did not support any of the four candidates.
Volodymyr Hulkevych, the head of a Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Prosecutor’s Office, was the first person interviewed by the commission yesterday. He has been working in the prosecutor’s office since 1989.
There were a lot of questions to the candidate about the inconsistencies between his income and his real lifestyle. For example, in 2015, his expenses exceeded the amount of income and previous savings of the family by almost UAH 0.5 mln. To questions about undeclared residential property and his wife’s mortgage for USD 88,000 there were no reasonable answers either.
The members of the commission were very interested in the applicant’s involvement in an accident, where he may have left the scene. Hulkevych explained this by the fact that he did not cause a car accident. He could not explain why the police turned to him for clarification and compared it with the protocol on the dead man. He also could not explain how, having such legal experience, he had allowed this to happen. According to the candidate, the police committed a crime, but he did not file a statement about violating the norms of the Criminal Code, although he has been working as a prosecutor since 1989.
Tough call: Hulkevych’s son studied at the American Law College, where a year of study costs about USD 44,000.
As we can see, the candidate’s explanations were not enough, and he did not move on to the next stage of the call. The results of Hulkevych’s polygraph test also raised doubts among the commission members.
The questions to Yaroslav Doroshenko, deputy head of the Department of the Prosecutor General’s Office, concerned his phenomenal exercise of the right to receive a free land plot near Kyiv. Moreover, it wasn’t only him who got such a juicy piece of land, using the same life hack, his relatives and friends received plots right next to his land. Such a process was carried out by Doroshenko’s wife, who, at that time, was on maternity leave, “so she had time.” And then, according to him, she shared the “life hack” with friends and relatives.
Interestingly, for Adrian Dutkovskyi members of the commission gave as many as 3 votes in favor. And not only them! Venediktova awarded the prosecutor of the Chernivtsi region with a badge of distinction, however, right before he was dismissed. Dutkovskyi gave reasonable explanations to the commission’s questions, but, as we can see, they were not enough for all the members.
As we learnt from an interview with him, Dutkovskyi and friends from the prosecutor’s office built on two floors of an apartment in Novoyavorivsk (legally). But in the apartment in the historical center of Lviv, which he got as a gift from his mother, for all the time that he has owned it, only windows have been replaced. He also forgot about the reprimand.
Vitalii Diurd — senior detective of the NABU. He is not on the “Unworthy of heading the SAPO” list. The only significant question for discussion concerned the payment of funds for an apartment in Hatne which has not even been built yet.
Diurd fell short of one vote to pass to the next stage as Andrii Hudzhal refused to give it because of the results of the polygraph. Other members of the commission noted that, according to the methodology, the only argument when making a decision by a member of the commission cannot be a reference to the results of passing a polygraph. However, even the risk of receiving a claim did not refrain Hudzhal from such a decision.
Well, we continue to follow the call. Oleksandr Karieyev, Andrii Kasian, Ivan Kisilevych and Oleksandr Klymenko will be interviewed today.