Transparency International Slovakia has initiated development of a tool for measurement of transparency of European capitals.
Kateryna Tsybenko, program manager of Transparent Cities, has participated in the meeting on development of Transparency Ranking of European Capitals, organized by Transparency International Slovakia. The main objective of the project is to support TI chapters in their intention to develop the first Transparency Ranking of European Capitals.
Local self-government authorities influence local development, the condition of roads, the quality of school facilities, local tax amounts etc. But a broad range of competencies means access to significant financial resources, which creates a risk of corruption.
Starting from 2010, TI Slovakia has been working on its City Transparency Ranking, which served as an example for numerous other TI chapters, including Ukraine, which has developed Transparency Ranking of 100 Biggest Ukrainian Cities implemented by the Transparent Cities program.
The ranking proved to be an effective tool of decision-making in the municipality and of increasing the activity of citizens, since transparency enables them to receive public services of a higher quality.
Measurement of transparency of European capitals has a significant potential to provide a better understanding of differences among European cities, identify best practices and eventually improve citizens’ access to information and decision-making, as well as reduce the level of corruption.
Currently, indicators are being developed, which should best reflect a clear idea of best practices of transparency relevant for all European countries, which is a challenging task due to legislative differences.
Among the numerous indicators currently under consideration for European cities, we would like to highlight those we believe most relevant for Ukraine:
- Conflict of interest in local self-government authorities
- Investment sector
- Accountability of local authorities to their communities
- Participation of citizens in decision-making
- Reaction to complaints filed by citizens
- Financing of local self-government authorities
We are convinced that measuring transparency is an effective tool of civic oversight and reduction of corruption risks.