TI Ukraine expert on governance Olesiia Arkhypska has been selected to represent the community as a member of the Coordination Council of the Open Government Partnership.
Olesiia Arkhypska, an expert on governance of the international anti-corruption organization TI Ukraine, headed the list of participants scoring the highest number of points – 39,5.
In order to participate in selection process to the Coordination Council of the OGP each candidate have to present a cover letter, their ideas and recommendations for OGP’s development in course of upcoming 2 years as well as a brief description of their previous activity and realized projects.
“TI Ukraine has been actively participating in the Initiative from the very first days of existence of the latter. Personally, this participation is a challenge of the further establishment of cooperation in implementing new open standards of responsible partnership, as well as a proper professional realization of the commitments, taken by Ukraine under the National Action Plan and Paris Declaration.
I dream of Ukraine becoming the flagship of transnational partnership among the participating countries. TI Ukraine, the chapter of the powerful global movement Transparency International, should be the driver of these changes, ” Olesiia Arkhypska commented.
The highest score was given to the applications containing a defined and well-reasoned motivation of candidate’s wish to become a part of Coordination Council, an argumentation of how efficient and beneficial will his\her membership be for the Initiative and a concisely outlined plan of OGP’s development for the upcoming 2 years.
The candidates for membership were evaluated by representatives of the Swiss cooperation bureau EGAP (E-governance for Accountability and Participation Program), NGO Open Government Institute Moldova, UNDP Ukraine and Charity Fund “Revival of Ukraine”. The competition lasted from March 30th to May 8th of 2017.
In February 2017, the government has adopted changes aimed to improve Coordination Council’s formation and management processes. Its membership has been optimized from 40 to 14, out of which there should be 7 community representatives and 7 executive branch representatives. Moreover, the Council will now have 2 co-heads – from Cabinet of Ministers and from public sector each. This mechanism should enhance the cooperation between the executive branch authorities and NGOs.