It provides all the information about the processes of property confiscation of the Kremlin’s accomplices and the objects that have already been seized: real estate, assets, corporate rights, cars, etc.  

Transparency International Ukraine, together with Ukrainska Pravda, within the framework of the European Union project Civil Society for Ukraine’s Post-war Recovery and EU-Readiness, present a special platform How to Confiscate Russian Assets in Ukraine?

To date, USD 85,000 and more than UAH 77 mln of monetary assets, 136 real estate objects, 278 units of transport, corporate rights and shares of 39 enterprises and 3 banks, as well as 537 valuables and works of art have been confiscated in Ukraine. All these data are displayed on the platform in the form of interactive maps, cards, and slides. 

array(3) { ["quote_image"]=> bool(false) ["quote_text"]=> string(248) "To date, USD 85,000 and more than UAH 77 mln of monetary assets, 136 real estate objects, 277 units of transport, corporate rights and shares of 39 enterprises and 3 banks, as well as 537 valuables and works of art have been confiscated in Ukraine." ["quote_author"]=> string(0) "" }

To date, USD 85,000 and more than UAH 77 mln of monetary assets, 136 real estate objects, 277 units of transport, corporate rights and shares of 39 enterprises and 3 banks, as well as 537 valuables and works of art have been confiscated in Ukraine.

Data on the seized russian assets are structured by former owners, region, and confiscation mechanism. On the map, you can find information about what assets were taken from Putin’s henchmen in Ukraine, where, and how many of them. 

Lawyers of TI Ukraine separately described each valid mechanism of confiscation of (pro-)russian assets in Ukraine, its stages, risks, and ways to neutralize them. The platform also specifies what will happen to all these assets in the future.

 “The confiscation of property of russian oligarchs and putin’s henchmen is a challenge for the Ukrainian legal system. Before the full-scale invasion, our country did not have special legislation to cope with this task. In general, the institution and tools of confiscation and recovery of assets are quite new — they began to appear only 20–30 years ago. However, it is simply necessary to work on the establishment of such procedures in our country because all these assets and the funds from their sale will benefit the state and citizens,” said Nataliia Sichevliuk, legal advisor at Transparency International Ukraine.

Screenshot from the new platform of confiscated russian assets

array(3) { ["quote_image"]=> bool(false) ["quote_text"]=> string(314) "The institution and tools of confiscation and recovery of assets are quite new — they began to appear only 20–30 years ago. However, it is simply necessary to work on the establishment of such procedures in our country because all these assets and the funds from their sale will benefit the state and citizens." ["quote_author"]=> string(19) "Nataliia Sichevliuk" }

The institution and tools of confiscation and recovery of assets are quite new — they began to appear only 20–30 years ago. However, it is simply necessary to work on the establishment of such procedures in our country because all these assets and the funds from their sale will benefit the state and citizens.

Nataliia Sichevliuk

Let us remind you that the confiscation of russian assets was launched in September 2022. Since then, the HACC has issued 23 verdicts. Among the defendants in these cases are russian oligarchs Oleg Deripaska, Vladimir Yevtushenkov, Igor and Arkady Rotenberg. Two subsidiaries of Russian banks — Sberbank and VEB.RF — have also been forcibly seized. 

It is important for us to continue working towards the confiscation of such assets because the funds from their sale should help our country not only survive the war, but also go through a difficult stage of recovery.

For reference:

Transparency International Ukraine is an accredited chapter of the global movement Transparency International, helping Ukraine grow stronger since 2012. The organization takes a comprehensive approach to the development and implementation of changes for reduction of corruption levels in certain areas.

TI Ukraine helped create and subsequently transferred Prozorro, Prozorro.Sale, eHealth, and Prozvit systems to the state. The team also implemented City Transparency and Accountability Rankings, developed the DOZORRO community to control public procurement, and co-founded the RISE UA Coalition, which protects integrity and efficiency in the rebuilding process.

This event was made possible with the financial support of the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of Transparency International Ukraine and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.