Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, Executive Director of TI Ukraine, submitted his application for the election to Board of TI Ukraine. In order to avoid the potential conflict of interest, current Deputy Executive Director of the organization Andrii Borovyk will temporarily act as Executive Director.
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn was appointed Executive Director of TI Ukraine in July 2016. He has been elected by Board members at the open competition.
“Successful implementation of TI Ukraine’s projects, financial sustainability of the organization, transfer of its central office to Kyiv, and improvement of organizational capacities were among the key tasks Board assigned me. Thanks to the persistent work of TI Ukraine, all of them were achieved. Today I believe that I will be more useful for the organization as the member of its Board. I am going to focus on advocacy of anticorruption initiatives and external communications,” says Yaroslav Yurchyshyn.
Today I believe that I will be more useful for the organization as the member of its Board. I am going to focus on advocacy of anticorruption initiatives and external communications
Yaroslav Yurchyshyn
Board is the main governing body of the organization, in accordance with the Charter of civic organization Transparency International Ukraine. Board considers and approves the organization’s strategy, yearly budget and operational plan, elects Executive Director etc. Members of Board are elected by Conference of members of TI Ukraine for a two-year term through an open competition. Board consists of five members.
As the term of the current Board is almost over, an open competition for the new Board members was announced in late October. Eleven candidates submitted their applications, resumes and vision of TI Ukraine’s development for the period of 2019 – 2020 (the deadline for applications was November 14). All applications are published at TI Ukraine’s official website.
Elections of the new Board will be held at the Conference of TI Ukraine’s members on December 1, 2018.
Elections of the new Board will be held at the Conference of TI Ukraine’s members on December 1, 2018.