Андрій Боровик

Виконавчий директор ТІ Україна

Andrii Borovyk is the Executive Director at TI Ukraine since 2019. Before that, in 2016-2018, he worked as a Deputy Executive Director. Andrii is an expert with more than 10-years of experience in anti-corruption advocacy, investment analysis, and business processes in the public sector. In his position as the Executive Director, Andrii has advanced the Ukrainian anti-corruption agenda at the international level and significantly contributed to enhancing worldwide initiatives for corruption elimination by participating in international events and developing working relations with representatives of international institutions. He was a member of the Reattestation Commission within the Prosecutor General's Office (2019), and a member of the Anticorruption Prosecutors’ Selection Commission (2020). Currently, Andrii is a member of the Ethics Committee at the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) and a board member in the Coordination Committee of the UNCAC coalition. Andrii is one of the founders and the board member of the RISE Ukraine coalition (since 2022). Before taking a position at TI Ukraine, he worked as a Head of Administration Division in the Reforms and Quality Assurance Unit in the General Prosecutor’s Office with a team of Georgian reformers and as an investment analyst. Andrii graduated from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy with a degree in Economics and got a master’s degree in business analysis and consulting from the Warwick Business School, Great Britain.

Статті автора:
16 Серпня, 2021
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15 Липня, 2021
Небезпечна радість: відставка Авакова
20 Травня, 2021
Антикорупційний пілот Зеленський із дворічним стажем: якою буде посадка
15 Квітня, 2021
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18 Березня, 2021
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10 Грудня, 2020
Боротися попри все: історія одного антикорупційного року
8 Грудня, 2020
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24 Листопада, 2020
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21 Травня, 2020
Білі плями на антикорупційній карті Зеленського
28 Червня, 2019
Як Конституція знову стала популярною