
Е-declaration is a very powerful instrument in removing corrupt officials from the government, but one should use it to make it working. How? Representatives of the ‘Declarations Under Control’ coalition explained how at the  “Declarations Have Been Filed. What’s Next?”, on November 21.

‘Declarations have been filed. What’s next?’

Sasha Drik (Coordinator of  ‘Declarations Under Control’ coalition, Head of the NGO “Civil Lustration Committee” ), Oleksandr Lemenov (Director of the Coalition’s secretariat, manager of the Reanimation Package of Reforms anti-corruption groupEvgen Cherniak (legal advisor of the Coalition, senior analyst at Transparency International Ukraine), Halia Chyzhyk (Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (CEDEM)), Yehor Soboliev (People’s deputy of Ukraine, Head of the VRU’s Committee on Corruption Prevention and Counteraction) took part in the briefing.

The date of the briefing is symbolic as it coincided with the third anniversary of the Ukrainian ‘Revolution of Dignity’. Е-declaration is a real instrument but could only work with the participation of citizens who are crucial for change in the country.  Activists called citizens to control and verify officials’ declarations, find discrepancies, report to authorities and help stop any attacks on the e-declaration system.

Members of the ‘Declarations Under Control’ coalition presented infographics on how to verify declarations, covering the following topics:  How to independently verify declarations? What is the procedure of full verification? What is the procedure of officials’ lifestyles monitoring?  What are the punishments?

‘Representatives of the ‘Declarations Under Control’ coalition demonstrated an example of declaration verification by civil society’, declared a Ukrainian People’s Deputy, and member of the Radical Party, Andrii Lozovyi. Activists also announced a newcampaign ‘Rock pigeon, explain or go’.*

The statement to NACP as to the declaration verification of Andrii Lozovyi was sent immediately after the briefing. This is only the beginning!


*The pigeon is a common bird in Slavic folklore, symbolising strength and reliability (for man)