The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, State E-Government Agency and Transparency International Ukraine have presented an updated State Land Cadastre, which will now work on the Blockchain technology. This technology will allow to provide reliable data synchronization, which will make it impossible to replace the data through external interference, will ensure transparency and enable public control of the system.
The results of the I stage of the pilot project on transfering the State Land Cadastre on the Blockchain technology have been presented. As of now, all extracts from the Cadastre have been transferred to the Blockchain technology. The Ukrainian chapter of the international movement Transparency International became the first CSO to get an audit node. The audit node is an independent component of Blockchain and performs continuous audit of all the transactions of the Blockchain network of the State Land Cadastre.
“Transparency International Ukraine facilitated the opening of the State Land Cadastre. We became the first independent CSO to receive an audit node and starts using the Blockchain technology as a tool for public online control over the register. Today’s event is undoubtedly a successful case of a responsible partnership of the government, business and the civil society,” says Yaroslav Yurchyshyn, Executive Director of Transparency International Ukraine.
The State Land Cadaster has been transferred to the Blockchain technology as part of implementation of the Memorandum on mutual understanding and cooperation between the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, the State E-Government Agency of Ukraine, Transparency International Ukraine CSO and Bitfuri holding B.V., signed on June 16, 2017.
“The transfer of the Land Cadastre to the Blockchain technology is another element of transformation of land matters that is being systemically implemented by the government. Increasing transparency of the land matters means higher requirements for the guarantee of preservation of data, and the Blockchain technology is the one providing the highest level of protection of information,” says Maksym Martyniuk, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.
The Enactment on transfer of the State Land Cadastre to the Blockchain technology was approved at the Cabinet of Ministers session on June 21, 2017.
“Blockchain is an effective combination of internal security and public control, since it provides reliable data synchronization and protects them from replacement as the result of external interference. Thus, for our country, it is the perfect tool to provide complete transparency and the population’s unquestionable trust for these data. The current technological solution is the joint vision of world’s best experts and the public, which completely complies with the Ukrainian legislative conditions,” says Oleksandr Ryzhenko, Head of the State E-Government Agency. He also added that, by the end of the year, the Register of Property Rights will start using the Blockchain technology as well.
For reference:
The State Land Cadastre is the unified state geoinformation system of data about the land within the state borders of Ukraine, its target use, limitations of its use; as well as data about quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the land, ts evaluation, division of land between owners and users.
As of October 1, 2017, the State Land Cadastre of Ukraine contains 18,780,000 registered lots. Ukrainian citizens view the public cadastre map 30,000 times every day.
Full video of the updated cadastre presentation