We have created an online map of Cherkasy reflecting procurement of schools and kindergartens starting from 2016. Find your institution, follow the tender and check what was procured, where and what amount was paid.
For each school or kindergarten, you can check our procurement of repair works, housewares, furniture, uniform, gifts, appliances, equipment etc. The map does not include food and bills. It also does not reflect tenders in which something was procured for several institutions at the same time.
To find the school using its number or address, click the square in the top right corner or go to the Google map page and use the search. If you have noticed any wrong data or a missing institution, please notify DOZORRO via Facebook and we will try to add the institution to the map.
To verify what works were supposed to be done in the educational establishment and who was responsible for doing them, find it on the map and get a link to the agreement. If you see that the works have not been done properly or at all, please leave feedback on the DOZORRO website. DOZORRO community that works on public procurement monitoring will make sure to follow up on it.
Expenditures for education are the biggest item of the local budget. In 2018 alone, “maintenance” of the network of educational establishments will cost local budgets almost UAH 800 million. At the same time, only 1 in 10 UAH spent on education goes to capital expenditures, that is actual improvement of the available equipment. The biggest part of the huge amount goes to salaries and bills.
In view of that, the role of capital expenditures is growing. Successful and, most importantly, effective investments, especially in energy conservation technologies, could eventually reduce expenditures for bills. In 2018, educators are planning to spend over UAH 80 million on heat, power, water and other utility services, which amounts to the total educational development budget. Energy efficiency of most local educational establishments is critically low.
Journalists of Infomist, together with partners from the DOZORRO portal, have prepared a map visualizing capital expenditures for renovation and upgrade of educational establishments in the city. We are convinced that engagement of parents and interested citizens in control over the quality of works will not only increase efficiency of budget spending but also contribute to people’s comfort in these buildings.
Expenditures for renovation and upgrade of educational establishments must be a priority for the authorities. At the same time, says representative of Moloda Cherkashchyna Artus Chemyrys, Cherkasy represent a remarkable example of negative practices of dividing procurement, when the priority is not efficient energy consumption or more comfortable learning experience for the students but avoidance of the competitive procurement procedure.
According to ProZorro public Bi module, over 90% of facilities are renovated without any competitive bidding. With the legislatively prescribed limitation of UAH 1.5 million, we often observe “piece by piece” heat insulation or partial replacement of windows. It does not improve the conditions, especially given the high prices for utility services. Artus urges parents to participate in quality control over public procurement in educational establishments, since it directly affects the comfort of their own children in their school or kindergarten.
You can find other online maps on the DOZORRO website.
Text: Serhii Makarenko
Map: Artem Babak