One bad law on declaration has been vetoed, but there is another bad (so far) bill.
This is the draft law No. 9587-d, which proposes to introduce automated recording of late submission of declarations. We analyzed its first version here: https://bit.ly/48ifwyO
In particular, we criticized the provision on automatic application of fines for failure to submit declarations without specifying the reasons. Meanwhile, they may be valid.
The full text of the draft law after its support in the second reading and with harmful amendments by MPs was published only today. We immediately analyzed it and came to the conclusion that it needs significant revision.
What is wrong with it?
In fact, declarants will be able to “pay off” lies in their declarations and avoid entering in the Register of Corrupt Officials. This will cost UAH 17-42.5 thousand in fines for lies in the amount of up to UAH 1 million 342 thousand.
The new law also preserves the NACP’s quasi-judicial role, in particular, in the automatic fining for failure to declare. Thus, the Agency, according to the law, will be able to partially take over the judicial function, which is contrary to the Constitution.
However, this draft law also has positive aspects. For example, it introduces time limits for staying in the Register of Corrupt Officials and approves a list of valid reasons for not submitting declarations.
In general, we are convinced that the President should veto this draft law and return it to the Parliament. After all, such an initiative could lead to a significant weakening of the anti-corruption reform, which we definitely do not need.
In fact, declarants will be able to "pay off" lies in their declarations and avoid entering in the Register of Corrupt Officials. This will cost UAH 17-42.5 thousand in fines for lies in the amount of up to UAH 1 million 342 thousand.