At the request of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention, DOZORRO Transparency International Ukraine will conduct an analytical study on the current state and key issues in public procurement, to be completed by the end of May. The results of this work are expected to inform the development of the 2026-2030 Anti-Corruption Strategy and the State Anti-Corruption Program for its implementation.
The study will include, among other elements, a description of the legislative and institutional framework of the sector, an assessment of Ukraine’s compliance with international obligations, and an analysis of key corruption-related issues in the field. Additionally, the research team will propose solutions to address the most critical threats and shortcomings. The preparation of the report will involve hiring external experts and engaging stakeholders in discussions on problems and solutions.
“The strategy will define the key issues our country will address in the coming years. It is crucial now to accurately identify the main threats and challenges to lay the groundwork for future changes that will make the procurement system more efficient with less corruption risks,” remarked Andrii Borovyk, CEO of TI Ukraine.
The study will focus on control in the field of public procurement, an area requiring systemic changes. Also, in the context of Ukraine’s restoration needs, the procurement of construction works has become particularly relevant.
If you wish to report any systemic issues in the sector that should be considered in the study, please contact us at [email protected].
This material is funded by the European Union. Its content is the sole responsibility of Transparency International Ukraine and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.