On January 10, the Parliament considered and adopted draft law 10337 on lobbying in the first reading by 309 votes; it was registered by the Cabinet of Ministers on December 13, 2023.
Prior to this, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Legal Policy recommended adopting it as a basis with the possibility of revision. The committee chaired by Denys Maslov recommended rejecting alternative draft laws 10337-1 and 10337-2, submitted on December 26 and 28 respectively by MPs Liudmyla Buimister and Serhii Vlasenko.
The draft law proposes to determine:
- terminology in the field of lobbying;
- rights and obligations of lobbying entities, methods of influence;
- the creation of the Register of Transparency administered by the NACP;
- the procedure for registration and reporting in the Transparency Register, open and free access to it, etc.
There is another draft law 10373 dated December 25 on amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses regarding violations of legislation in the field of lobbying. It is to be considered by the Main Law Enforcement Committee. There is an alternative draft law 10373-1 to it as well, submitted by MP Liudmyla Buimister on December 27.
Transparency International Ukraine was among more than 260 civil society signatories to a statement reminding that the annex to the interim decision of the European Commission on Ukraine’s accession to the EU, published on November 8, emphasized the need for Ukraine to adopt a law on the regulation of lobbying activities as part of the deoligarchization action plan.
Such a law, according to the European Commission:
- shall comply with European standards;
- shall be the result of an open and inclusive discussion with a wide range of stakeholders (in particular, civil society organizations) and broad public consultations;
- shall not limit the legitimate activities of civil society organizations and create a disproportionate administrative burden for such organizations.
Transparency International Ukraine will continue monitoring the consideration of draft law 10337 in the second reading.
TI Ukraine was among more than 260 civil society signatories to a statement reminding that the annex to the interim decision of the European Commission on Ukraine's accession to the EU emphasized the need for Ukraine to adopt a law on the regulation of lobbying activities as part of the deoligarchization action plan.