The deadline for the submission of documents in the competition for the Head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) is December 1, 2023, 5:00 p.m. Transparency International Ukraine calls on professionals in the sphere not to delay and apply for the competition.
The NACP is one of the bodies of the anti-corruption ecosystem responsible for shaping the state anti-corruption policy in Ukraine. Among other things, the agency also verifies whether officials comply with anti-corruption legislation and checks their declarations. That is why it is crucial that this body be headed by a professional candidate of integrity.
“In order for the commission to choose the best applicant, it is important that worthy candidates apply for this position. It is essential that the competition be fair and transparent, considering the shortcomings of the previous ones. As experts who have been studying the work of the NACP for several years, we will carefully analyze each selection stage. We hope that as a result, the NACP will get a worthy leader,” said Kateryna Ryzhenko, Deputy Executive Director for Legal Affairs of TI Ukraine.
Let us briefly go through the requirements for candidates.
Everyone can take part in the competition if they meet the requirements of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine On Prevention of Corruption. Thus, the future Head of the NACP:
- shall be a citizen of Ukraine,
- shall not be younger than thirty-five years old,
- shall have a higher education, speak the state language,
- shall show integrity and competency,
- shall be able to perform the relevant official duties, etc., in terms of their business and moral qualities, educational and professional level, and state of health.
Potential candidates can get acquainted with the list of all documents for participation and the requirements at the link. Send documents to the e-mail address of the selection commission: [email protected].
In order for the commission to choose the best applicant, it is important that worthy candidates apply for this position. It is essential that the competition be fair and transparent, considering the shortcomings of the previous ones.
Kateryna Ryzhenko