Kyiv, December 05, 2012
Ukraine has finally rooted among the most corrupted nations of the world due to the systemic inactivity of the authorities
The results of the Corruption Perception Index from Transparency International (CPI) proves that despite some steps of Ukrainian authorities towards fighting corruption the situation remains unsatisfactory. Ukraine is on the 144th place among 176 countries according to CPI-2012 scoring 26 from possible 100. The fewer score a country has the closer it is to the corruption abyss. Transparency International considers any result lower than 30 scores to be shameful. The results of the previous year scored 27 (2.3 according to the previous methodology). Our country keeps striding back and is seeking for a place near Congo and Papua New Guinea.
The results of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine and general cessation of democratic processes definitely made bad influence for perception of Ukraine in the world. But according to Transparency International the main factors of the corruption growth are as follows:
- Lack of activity of the National Anticorruption Committee headed by the President of Ukraine. The most authorized institution in the sphere of anticorruption activity coordination hasn’t had meetings for more than a year. The President has just been signing papers on changes in the Committee’s structure and amendments of approaches to its work during the whole 2012, but to achieve results the corruption fighting similitude on paper is not sufficient, real actions should be done.
- The state program for corruption fighting costs the price of the paper it has been printed on. The money that was announced for implementation of the anticorruption program in 2011 – 2012 has never actually been assigned. The Ministry of Justice, the coordinator of the program, suggests the authorized government bodies to implement it “for their own money”.
- The changes in legislation on public procurement have brought tens of billions of the public money into shadow. The revisions made to the Law “On Government Procurement” resulted in nearly a third of budgetary funds being out of the laws on tender procedures. The citizens were actually deprived of their right for information on public procurement.
Transparency International is extremely troubled due to the fact that most of the corruption-fighting events in Ukraine remain mere formalities. The organization has proposed 5 urgent steps to prevent corruption epidemic in the country.
- The President’s National Anticorruption Committee has to start implementing its own decisions.
- The state program for the corruption prevention and counteraction has to be financed and fulfilled. The program’s content should be revised with the participation of the independent experts and organizations.
- Free access to the information on public procurement has to be resumed.
- The information from the Single State Registry of Persons Prosecuted for the Acts of Corruption has to be made public. In order to complete the abovementioned, provisions of the Law “On Protection of Personal Data” have to be revised.
- The provisions of the compulsory income declaration by civil servants have to be followed unobstructed. The access to the civil servants’ declarations has to be on the general basis.
Note for Editors: In 2012 the general methodology for making up the Corruption Perception Index has been updated by Transparency International. The changes cover both the scoring scale and the calculation principles. The research results in full as well as the updated methodology are accessible via https://ti-ukraine.org/cpi.
Oleksii Khmara,
Transparency International Ukraine President mobile: 067-670-02-96, office: 044 360-52-42, e-mail: [email protected] |
Olha Tymchenko,
Transparency International Ukraine Information Department Head mobile: 050-352-96-18, office 044 360-52-42, e-mail: [email protected] |