The Independent Anti-Corruption Committee on Defense (NAKO) invites journalists, activists and all interested parties to the presentation of the analytics research on corruption risks in medical procurement of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Together with the presentation of the report, there will be discussion of important issues related to military medicine. The participants will involve representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Ministry of Health, volunteers, specialists in military medicine, NAKO analysts – joint initiative of Transparency International Ukraine and TI Defense & Security (UK).

The event will be held on September, 6, 15:00 – 17:00 at MediaHub at 4/6 Suvorov Street, Kyiv, Ukraine.

What are the disadvantages of the Army’s medical supply system and budget planning? How to avoid corruption risks in public procurement?

Military survival kits for the Army: what are the items we can cut back and where to make more generous contribution?
These and some other issues will be discussed by experts during the discussion panel. In addition, specialists will demonstrate new Ukrainian first-aid kits for military men, Western-style first-aid kits, as well as describe their advantages and disadvantages.

Oleksandr Linchevskyi, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health;
Petro Vyshyvanets, representative of the Council of Volunteers under the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine;
Marco Suprun, founder of NGO “Patriot Defense”;
Stanislav Hayevskyi, an instructor in tactical medicine, NAEMT. certification;
Tetiana Shevchuk, Taras Yemchura, NAKO analysts, co-authors of the study;
– representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine were invited.

The discussion will be moderated by Oleh Rybachuk, chairman of NAKO.

Contact for media: Iryna Rybakova, +38 (093) 906 78 74, [email protected]

The National Anti-Corruption Committee on Defense (NAKO) is a joint initiative of Transparency International Defense & Security (UK) and Transparency International Ukraine. NAKO unites Ukrainian public activists, journalists, and international experts to fight corruption in security and defense. The initiative is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.