We see the invincibility and independence of Ukrainians in dozens of cities where the occupiers go, and residents kick them out, going unarmed towards tanks and on protests. However, in some cities, the military of the rf are still breaking through. What should residents of cities temporarily occupied by russians do?
The corresponding guide was developed in the Center for National Resistance of Ukraine. It contains tips for people of different professions, for households or businesses:
- officials and office workers under the administration of the occupation authorities;
- employees of the executive branch under the administration of the occupation authorities;
- doctors, pharmacists, medical workers;
- heads of warehouses;
- employees of the passport office;
- police officers;
- priests;
- teachers and educators in kindergarten.
You can sabotage, harm russian troops with the utmost caution and by doing things within you are capable of.
Some common methods to reduce the morale of the occupiers are:
- Give extended and unclear answers when asked about something at work.
- Be as annoying and quarrelsome as possible when talking to occupiers or collaborators.
- In public, treat the occupiers and collaborators coldly. Ignore their questions or give them false answers (for example, when asked the way or the time).
- Demonstratively stop all conversations when the occupiers or collaborators enter the office, café, or when you accidentally meet such people on the street or in a store. Moreover, stand demonstrably back away from them to the side so that there is a free space around the occupiers, and they feel their isolation more clearly.
- Boycott participation and attendance at entertainment events (cinemas, theaters, concerts, etc.). This especially concerns pro-government protests in support of the occupation authorities. An excuse for this may be your health or that of your loved ones, urgent matters outside the city, sewer repair at home, and so on.