Transparency International Ukraine strongly encourages MPs to restore proper electronic declaration for public officials and do not make amendments to legislation that can destroy the system.
On September 4, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada on Law Enforcement, as part of the preparation for a second reading, considered the draft law №9587-d that proposes to amend the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and other laws of Ukraine. On the same day, on September 4, the Committee on Anti-corruption Policy, as part of the preparation for a second reading, considered the draft law 9534 that provides for the restoration of e-declaration by officials.
Transparency International Ukraine has already analyzed both draft laws (9587-d and 9534) and highlighted their shortcomings and risks.
Unfortunately, yesterday’s meeting of the committees only increased gaps in the proposed restoration of the e-declaration system as the result of the intervention of some MPs.
The matter of proper restoration of asset declaration is at the top of the agenda for our international partners. Just yesterday, G7 ambassadors issued a position noting the importance of avoiding loopholes for leased assets and minimizing security exceptions, including on publication, to those directly involved in defending.
Transparency International Ukraine supports this position and urges MPs:
- restore public access to the register of declarations without delay for a year;
- not change the current rules for declaring assets in lease or ownership, including through introducing the “market value” of objects;
- not to manipulate other legal norms that can undermine or destroy the very essence of the electronic declaration system.
We are convinced that it is important for the Parliament to refrain from amendments to the Criminal or other codes as well as to the grounds for entering corrupt officials into the Register of Corrupt Persons.
Proper restoration of electronic declaration is a key indicator not only for the European Union, but also for the IMF. In other words, a complete and transparent restoration of e-declaration is important not only for joining the EU, but also in ensuring the financial stability of the state.
We warn MPs against introducing norms into the legislation that in the future can significantly undermine and even destroy the system of preventing corruption in Ukraine and opportunities for identifying the facts of illegal enrichment of officials. Given this, we strongly encourage MPs to take a balanced approach to the task of restoration of e-declaration so not to distort the system that has already proved its effectiveness.