Qualitative data control helps mitigate those risks
procurement analysis

to improve the sector
To monitor specific tenders more effectively and track specific procuring entities, TI Ukraine has developed the DOZORRO bot app. Using the bot, you can subscribe to a specific procuring entity, supplier or tender and get notifications via email and on Telegram about any updates to the relevant tenders on Prozorro.
in public procurement monitoring
Since November 2017, the team has processed approximately 41,000 risky tenders, sent approximately 37,000 appeals to regulatory authorities and buyers, and “fixed” more than 5,800 tenders. Their total value exceeds USD 273 million.
[email protected]
They created the BI portal Tenders.Guru. There, you can analyze the procurement transactions in these four countries and even compare them. Since every country has its own data publication format, the Tenders.Guru portal collects information on procurement from each national procurement portal and combines it into one database.
ment process, the number of partici-
pants in the tender, competitiveness and the largest procuring entities. The functionality helps to identify problems in the public procurement sector and corruption risks.
To combat inefficient spending and reduce corruption risks in public procurement, project members work with investigative journalists, researchers and community activists who use the Tenders.Guru BI portal to oversee public procurement in their countries. In addition, research develops recommendations for legislators and policymakers, both at national and EU level. For instance, they work on improving the public procurement sector, as well as access to information, monitoring of EU funds, and protection of corruption whistleblowers.
on corruption risks
ment announcements highlight tenders with an extremely high expected value or actual contract value, or, in the case of framework agreements, transactions with a small number of suppliers.
At the contracting stage, red flags may be triggered in case of a small number of procurement participants, failed procedures, a significant difference between the expected and actual value of the agreement, and if the procurement was held without prior notice.
K-Monitor continues to develop the analytical tool and has already launched several add-ons to the tool. For instance, a few years ago, the organization created an information panel based on Redflags.eu, which shows procurement risks of the largest procuring entities in Hungary. The analysis showed typical corruption risks that regularly occur in certain types of procuring entities, primarily in the construction sector.
It is important to note that the creators of the rating do not publish the ranks of all procuring entities. They focus only on the top 50% of all procurement organizers. Other procuring entities are published in a random order. Why is there no information about who is the worst? The developers of the rating found that this practice increases the negative perception of the rating and does not encourage procuring entities to compete with each other to improve their position in the rating. As a result, the media are reluctant to cover the rating. Overall, more than 50% of public procuring entities said that the results from Zindex.cz served as valuable feedback for them (21% more than before). Each year, approximately 10% of assessed procuring entities commit to improving their procurement practices.

launching a hotline for consultations

After all the feedback is taken into account, EconLab awards the best organizers with a statuette “Neplejtvák” (this name can be translated as “fish not lost in vain”), which is something like an Oscar in the world of public procuring entities in the Czech Republic. The main idea is to promote positive competition in public procurement based on best practices.
EconLab experts helped implement a similar initiative in Slovakia. There, they had to change about 25% of the rating to adapt it to the legislation, data sources and practices of another country. The volume of work turned out to be smaller than the analysts expected, so they are considering further promotion of the tool among countries.