On Tuesday, 2nd October, a briefing will take place to present new research from the Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO), Poor governance and corruption risks in Ukraine’s housing system: Risks and Recommendations. The research includes a qualitative analysis of the housing problem in Ukraine’s defense sector, with recommendations on how to change this outdated system.
This research was completed in response to a request from Ukraine’s Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak, who stated that “there is a will for reform” and affirmed his commitment to solving the problem.
The press conference will cover the following issues:
- What are the key corruption risks and inefficiency problems in Ukraine’s defense housing system?
- How is the issue of defense housing solved in other countries, and what can be learned from their experiences?
- What are the possible solutions?
The briefing will take place on October 2, 2018, at 10:00 in the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center, at 2 Khreshchatyk Str., Kyiv.
The speakers are:
- James Wasserstrom, Сo-Сhair of the Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee;
- Volodymyr Ogryzko, Сo-Сhair of the Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee;
- Representative of the Ministry of Defense;
- Ihor Stadnytskiy, a serviceman who has been waiting for a home for several years.
MOD representatives, servicemen, journalists, Ukraine’s defense housing experts, civil society representatives and interested Ukrainians are invited to brief.
Prior registration is not required.
Contact for media: Emiliia Dieniezhna, 097-431-66-33
NOTES TO THE EDITOR: The Independent Defense Anti-Corruption Committee (NAKO) is a joint initiative run by Transparency International Defense & Security (TI-DS) and Transparency International Ukraine (TI Ukraine).The NAKO’s goal is to reduce corruption risks in the Ukraine’s defense and security sector of Ukraine by monitoring, evaluating and analyzing anti-corruption reforms and providing relevant recommendations. More information can be found at the website: http://nako.org.ua/