In early March, the government approved the State Anti-Corruption Program (SAP) — one of the key documents for the implementation of the state anti-corruption policy by 2025.
The SAP defines a system of specific measures to prevent and combat corruption in various spheres of public life. Among them are health care, education, social protection, urban planning and land management, private sector, defense, justice; the activities of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, customs, tax, and other authorities.
The public sector of the economy was also granted attention. We have already talked about some positive aspects and shortcomings of the SAP and, in particular, this section. Now we suggest getting acquainted in more detail with the problems that the government has identified in the management of state-owned enterprises and state property, and what anti-corruption measures are proposed to solve them.
Ineffective management of state-owned enterprises
According to the State Property Fund, as of last year, there were more than 3,200 state-owned enterprises and business entities in which the state’s share exceeded 50%. However, they were managed by more than 80 different bodies. The Ministry of Economy monitored the effectiveness of this management and found that almost every second such enterprise was not working or was unprofitable.
The continuous lack of a unified strategy for the functioning of the public sector of the economy has led to low efficiency of management of state-owned enterprises. Due to the insufficient quality of control mechanisms and the unsatisfactory level of transparency of their activities, they have become a source of losses and corruption. In just 9 months of 2022, losses from economic activity (or inactivity) of these enterprises amounted to more than UAH 58 bln, and the heads of state-owned enterprises remain the leaders in the number of exposed corruption-related violations.
In recent years, Ukraine has taken several steps to reform the management of state property, in particular:
- launched corporate governance reform in the largest state-owned companies in accordance with the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD);
- launched transparent privatization and lease of public property;
- created an electronic system to display the financial results of state-owned enterprises.
However, it should be noted that these reforms are still at the stage of implementation.
One of the factors that determine the ineffective management of state-owned enterprises is the lack of an approved comprehensive state property policy. This document shall define:
- general principles and objectives of ownership, management, and disposal of state-owned enterprises, in particular regarding the exclusivity of such ownership and transparency of activities to reduce corruption risks in this field;
- powers, functions, and responsibilities of the management bodies of such enterprises;
- priorities in the management of state property.
It should also reflect the relationship with other available strategies and policies (privatization, lease, or dissolution of state-owned enterprises).
To solve this problem, the SAP provides for a set of measures, in particular, the adoption of the law on the development and approval of the State Property Policy by the government, its direct development and approval, as well as the approval of individual ownership policies at state-owned enterprises.
It is worth noting that the 15 largest state-owned enterprises have already approved their ownership policies. However, the problem lies in their quality — they do not set clear goals for the activities of these enterprises, but describe only the types of economic activities that will be carried out. Moreover, these policies are simply not applied in practice.
Therefore, it is important to ensure not only the adoption of a law that will provide for the mandatory development and approval of individual ownership policies. It is necessary to establish clear requirements for them — regarding the goals of state ownership, the main tasks of state-owned companies, the main types of economic activity and performance indicators, and ensure control over the implementation of these requirements. When discussing the draft SAP, we drew attention to this problem, and our comments were considered.
Another significant issue is that individual authorities combine the functions of the owner, the regulator, and the body that forms the policy regarding state-owned enterprises. This leads to a conflict between functions, the implementation of which contradicts each other, and makes effective management impossible.
It is proposed that the solution to this problem may be the creation of a centralized body to manage the main enterprises of the state form of ownership. The OECD’s guiding principles of corporate governance of state enterprises provide for the application of such an approach.
According to the SAP, before that, the Ministry of Economy should prepare and publish an analytical report that will contain recommendations on the most optimal model for the distribution of the relevant functions. We support this idea. At the same time, 70% of state-owned enterprises are already concentrated under the management of the State Property Fund of Ukraine, and by the end of 2023, according to its head, the agency intends to achieve the transfer of the remaining 30%.
Considerable attention is paid to the continuation of corporate governance reform at state-owned enterprises, in particular, to prevent corruption risks due to the possibility of influence of management bodies on their activities.
By June 2024, the government is expected to have approved an Action Plan to bring the system of corporate governance in economic entities that have:
- strategic importance for the economy and security of the state;
- the highest level of corruption risks or
- belong to the most important economic entities of the military-industrial complex,
into compliance with OECD corporate governance standards.
This will be preceded by updating the lists of such enterprises. By the end of 2025, supervisory boards should be formed in all state-owned enterprises, for which their creation will be determined as mandatory.
However, today there are a number of problems related to the activities of supervisory boards that need to be addressed:
- approaches to determining the criteria for the formation of supervisory boards in state-owned enterprises are outdated;
- members of the supervisory boards are independent only nominally, in particular, due to the fact that the owner can dismiss them at any time;
- there are no clear, objective criteria for dismissal of supervisory board members.
To solve these problems, the SAP proposes to adopt a law that will provide for:
- an objective and transparent procedure for the formation of supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises;
- requirements for independent members of supervisory boards and their functional responsibilities;
- exhaustive list of grounds for early termination of powers of members of supervisory boards(including in case of gross violations of anti-corruption legislation or rules of ethical conduct).
In addition, the Ministry of Economy will prepare a report every three years on the relevance and validity of the criteria for the mandatory establishment of independent supervisory boards in state-owned enterprises.
The primary version of the SAP also proposed to abolish key performance indicators for members of the supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises. However, we stressed that the performance of supervisory boards should not be left without assessment. Key performance indicators for individual members of the supervisory board could have been used as grounds for improper dismissal. However, this does not mean that it is unnecessary to evaluate the effectiveness of supervisory boards at all. They need to be evaluated but as collegiate bodies, according to clear and transparent criteria that the government will determine. Based on the results of the discussions, the need to develop an appropriate methodology was considered and included in the list of SAP activities.
The adoption of a separate law on the features of the formation and functioning of supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises is important from the perspective of the threats to corporate reform that emerged during the martial law.
In last April, MPs adopted a law allowing the dismissal of a member of the supervisory board of a state-owned enterprise or bank if this person does not immediately appear at its address. Subsequently, the Verkhovna Rada registered a new draft law, designed to solve this problem. However, it contained a number of new corruption risks, in particular, it proposed to abandon the competitive selection of members of the supervisory boards of state enterprises and banks during the war.
The draft law was withdrawn from consideration, but the government picked up the idea and canceled the competitive selection of managers, heads of executive bodies and members of the supervisory boards of economic entities of the public sector of the economy, except for a number of the largest companies. On our initiative, the SAP included provisions providing for the resumption of competitive selection of managers, heads of executive bodies, and members of supervisory boards of the entities of the public sector of the economy.
Among other key measures to prevent and combat corruption in the public sector of the economy, it is worth highlighting:
- the introduction of an annual independent audit of public sector economic entities by the end of 2023. Interestingly, the document does not clearly define for which enterprises such an audit will be mandatory — only for state-owned enterprises that are of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state or for all of them without exception. This will help establish an analytical report, which the Ministry of Economy had to publish by the end of May this year. At the time of preparation of this material, it has not yet been published;
- implementation of the internal control system at state-owned enterprises, which includes the functions of compliance, risk management, and internal audit. The corresponding draft law should be developed by the Ministry of Economy no later than October this year.
In 9 months alone of 2022, losses from economic activity (or inactivity) of these enterprises amounted to more than UAH 58 bln, and the heads of state-owned enterprises remain the leaders in the number of exposed corruption-related violations.
The need to continue the course towards transparent privatization and lease
A separate subsection of the Anti-Corruption Program deals with the problems of insufficient transparency of privatization procedures. To solve them, the government plans to introduce tools to prevent the negative impact of privatization bodies and auction organizers on the number of participants and competitionby the end of the year. Among such tools is the adoption of the law on the list of objects of state property rights that are not subject to privatization, and the approval of the Procedure for conducting electronic auctions for the sale of large-scale privatization objects.
It should be noted that the Parliament is already considering the draft law No.4020 on determining the list of state-owned enterprises that are not subject to privatization. Its adoption will be an important step towards the implementation of state property reform. But the proposed list needs significant revision because it was formed in 2020, and it includes more than 650 objects. This figure is inconsistent with the concept of reform, according to which no more than 100-150 strategic state-owned enterprises should remain in state ownership.
As for the need to regulate the conduct of electronic auctions for the sale of large-scale privatization objects, this measure of the SAP has already been implemented — in February, the government approved the relevant Procedure.
It can be noted that the proposed measures do not fully solve the problems identified by the SAP in the field. A number of problems contained in the original version of the Anti-Corruption Program were not included in the approved version. In particular, measures to simplify the transfer of assets to the State Property Fund and block privatization due to the encumbrance of property with arrests. These problems were solved at the legislative level while the SAP was being developed, which we emphasized during the public discussions.
However, some important issues were still not covered by the SAP, in particular, the persistence of a negative trend regarding the high level of refusal of state property management bodies to transfer it for privatization at the request of potential buyers. The draft law No.4573 is intended to solve them, and TI Ukraine specialists have already submitted their proposals in its regard.
Privatization of state property is not completed after the auction and the conclusion of the contract. The stage of fulfilling the condition of sale is no less significant because the seller may be entrusted with additional obligations to maintain the profile of the enterprise, invest a certain amount of funds in its modernization, repayment of debts, and preservation of jobs. However, information on the implementation of these requirements is not subject to mandatory publication, so, it often remains outside the public interest. That is why, within the framework of the SAP implementation, it is assumed that by March 2024, the SPFU will have prepared a report on the assessment of the most common problems in the buyers’ fulfillment of the mandatory conditions for the sale and/or operation of the privatization object with a view to their further elimination.
The government expects that the implementation of small-scale privatization or leasing of state and municipal property will continue with the use of the electronic system Prozorro.Sale. We share such expectations, but at the same time, we believe that the planned figure for at least 6 participants on average per one privatization auction is overvalued. According to Prozorro.Sale, for the last 5 years, only in 2023 did the average number of participants exceed the mark of 3. At the same time, there are no prerequisites for the twofold growth of such a value. We are convinced that the establishment of such indicators should be preceded by the preparation of relevant analytical studies — as it is, in particular, envisaged in the SAP by the end of May this year — to identify why competition at auctions for the lease of state and municipal property is so low. But at the time of preparation of this material, such a report has not yet been published.
The proposed measures do not fully solve the problems identified by the SAP in the field. A number of problems contained in the original version of the Anti-Corruption Program were not included in the approved version.
Insufficient public information about enterprises of state and municipal forms of ownership
Publication of information on the activities of enterprises of state and municipal forms of ownership is an important element of preventing corruption in their activities. Insufficient data on economic entities in which the state has a share of ownership significantly reduce the transparency of their work, complicate public control, and contribute to corruption.
Requirements for the submission and publication of information about state-owned enterprises are established by numerous legislative acts, and the procedure and scope of its disclosure vary depending on the organizational and legal forms of enterprises. A significant number of state-owned enterprises further complicates compliance with these requirements. At the same time, there are no mechanisms and measures of influence to ensure their full provision of information.
Publication of information for municipal enterprises is provided on the websites of such enterprises or their management entities. This makes it impossible to apply uniform standards for the collection and publication of such data.
To eliminate this problem, the Anti-Corruption Program provides for the creation of a new digital resource based on the outdated Unified Register of State Property Objects. Its launch, expected by the end of 2024, will be preceded by the adoption of a law and bylaws that will determine the mechanism of interaction between the participants, a clear procedure for periodic submission of information, criteria, and the scope of publication of information on the activities of state and municipal enterprises, considering the OECD Guidelines. In addition, it is proposed to establish liability for failure to provide information about the activities of enterprises, incompleteness, or unreliability of such information.
It should be noted that the Parliament has already adopted draft law No.8250 in the second reading, which lays the foundation for the creation of an electronic register of state-owned objects. The already mentioned draft law No.4573, which provides for the establishment of liability for abuse when submitting information to the Unified Register of State Property, is still awaiting consideration.
Moreover, Transparency International Ukraine, together with the State Property Fund, worked on a joint project to develop a new Register of State Property to improve the system of information collection and control over the management of state property, improve the efficiency of its management. But due to the beginning of the full-scale invasion, we were forced to suspend work on this project. Despite this, we strongly support the idea of introducing transparent accounting of state property.
The Anti-Corruption Program provides for the creation of a new digital resource based on the outdated Unified Register of State Property Objects.
The State Anti-Corruption Program proposes important and necessary steps towards reducing the level of corruption in the management of state-owned enterprises. Among them are the approval of a comprehensive policy of state ownership, the introduction of corporate governance standards and annual independent audit, the resumption of competitive procedures for the selection of managers and members of supervisory boards.
For effective management, it is necessary to continue the reform of state property, and we positively assess the fact that the course towards preserving transparent privatization, lease, and the idea of introducing digital and transparent accounting of state and municipal property, is enshrined in the SAP.
It is essential that the program remain relevant and systematically implemented. But we have already recorded cases when individual responsible executives of the SAP allow the measures envisaged by it to expire. If this trend persists, the anti-corruption strategy in the field of state property management in the coming years might remain on paper.
We will continue actively monitoring the implementation of the SAP and hope that it will yield the expected results.
Author: Andrii Shvadchak, Legal Advisor at Transparency International Ukraine
This publication was prepared by Transparency International Ukraine with the financial support of Sweden.
It is essential that the program remain relevant and systematically implemented. But we have already recorded cases when individual responsible executives of the SAP allow the measures envisaged by it to expire.