confiscation of russian assets

August 21, 2024
This study describes how the updated Ukrainian sanctions function, what are the risks and challenges of such an approach, and…
June 12, 2024
On May 27, 2024 G7 representatives made a statement about the potential use of USD 285 billion of frozen Russian currency reserves.…
March 18, 2024
On March 8, amendments to the Law on Sanctions came into force, removing restrictions on the sale of confiscated Russian…
January 30, 2024
Information on these assets is reflected on the website of the State Property Fund.
January 26, 2024
Oligarchs who are Putin's friends, despite the sanctions, continue to control significant assets in Ukraine. Who are these people? And…
January 25, 2024
The REPO Act proposes to give the U.S. President the authority to confiscate the sovereign assets of Russia, which belong…
January 23, 2024
In this particular case, this concerns the taxation of income from Russian assets that are stored in the European depository…
January 8, 2024
Information from the register shed light on the processes of transfer and management of sanctioned assets and made it possible…
December 27, 2023
TI Ukraine has analyzed how exactly the sanctions on Russia applied in the EU and the United States differ from…
November 28, 2023
In the first part of our study, we have covered the issues at the legislative level that make it difficult…
November 23, 2023
TI Ukraine legal advisor Pavlo Demchuk and HACC Case Monitoring Lawyer Andrii Tkachuk analyzed all stages of confiscation of criminal…
November 13, 2023
The High Anti-Corruption Court upheld the second claim of the Ministry of Justice to confiscate the assets of collaborator Volodymyr…
October 23, 2023
How will the seizure of vital services owned by Russian oligarchs affect the lives of Ukrainians? Find out in our…