
July 22, 2019
Ukrainians on Courts: We Don’t Know Them but Don’t Trust Them
“Let the people decide who is to become the judge,” says one of the MP candidates. Hmm. What an interesting idea, say we. In such…
June 10, 2019
Between 29 May and 3 June, Rating Sociological Group held a monitoring study of social and political attitudes among Ukrainians.…
May 23, 2019
In the summer of 2018, Kyiv Institute of Sociology held the National Anti-Corruption Survey, which revealed that almost all Ukrainians…

May 14, 2019
Dynamics of Corruption in Ukrainians’ Lives over 10 Years
Our colleague, head of the M&E department Anastasiia Mazurok, regularly publishes reviews of social studies on her Facebook page. Here is one about corruption. Of…