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October 25, 2024
Parliament's Budget Committee recommended that parliament adopt the draft law in its entirety.
October 22, 2024
Let's find out which challenges arise when hearing civil forfeiture cases.
October 18, 2024
TI Ukraine considers these initiatives important, however, both regulations need to be improved.
October 15, 2024
The Transparent Cities program of Transparency International Ukraine presented indicators of the future methodology for ranking cities by the level…
October 11, 2024
Of the 300 electronic bracelets that are currently on the balance sheet of the National Police, only 150 are functional.
October 10, 2024
Today, October 10, the ECHR issued a judgment to reject the complaints of Vadym Alperin, known as the “king of…
October 10, 2024
Together with the global movement, our team will continue the comprehensive work on the development and implementation of changes to…
October 9, 2024
On October 9, the Verkhovna Rada voted for draft law No.12039 in the first reading, which regulates the issue of…
October 8, 2024
The Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No.11426, which extends the powers of the PCIE. 259 votes in favor.
October 4, 2024
This was reported by the National Bureau following the results of the first meeting of Semyon Kryvonos with the members…
October 1, 2024
The DOZORRO project of TI Ukraine investigated procurement of the necessary protective equipment on Prozorro, found out who got awarded…
September 25, 2024
Draft laws propose to remove the requirement for a minimum threshold score for the cognitive abilities test and to extend…
September 20, 2024
MPs propose to amend the law on the Accounting Chamber to change the competitive selection of the body's members, enhance…
September 19, 2024
On September 17, MPs registered draft law No. 12039, which is a new attempt to improve the Ukrainian institution of…
September 19, 2024
In general, this draft law contains positive provisions but needs significant revision.
September 17, 2024
The DOZORRO TI Ukraine project analyzed the types and quantities of energy equipment procured on Prozorro this year.