Transparency International Ukraine –
is an accredited chapter of the global movement Transparency International, with a comprehensive approach to development and implementation of changes for reduction of the corruption levels.
TI Ukraine administered and transferred to the government such electronic systems as ProZorro, ProZorro.Sale, eHealth, and Prozvit. Moreover, we, as an innovation and expert center, introduced city Transparency and Accountability Rankings, developed DOZORRO and DOZORRO.Sale communities to control public resources.
The TI Ukraine team is open in its activities. Every year, we publish reports on the results of our work on countering corruption.
Results of the audit report for 2023 can be found at the link.
Information on financial coverage of projects and the audit report for 2022.
Annual reports by year:
Follow us on social networks:
- Facebook: TransparencyInternationalUkraine
- Telegram: Fight Corruptor
- Twitter: TransparencyUA
- Instagram: transparencyukraine
- Facebook DOZORRO: dozorro.org
- Instagram DOZORRO: dozorro_org
- Facebook Transparent Cities: Transparent cities/Прозорі міста