Prevention. Annual report 2019

Annual Report of TI Ukraine 2019

Minimize the possibility of corruption risks at the national and local levels by increasing transparency and accountability of government.


more about context

independent and effective control by the government, local authorities and state-owned enterprises/institutions in the field of public procurement and large and small-scale privatization, and over all processes and actions that take place in them;

increasing transparency, increasing the amount of open data in cities and amalgamated territorial communities, and promoting accountability at a level equal to transparency;

the restoration of the lead role of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention and the enhancement of the role of whistleblowers in order to develop and effectively implement a new anti-corruption strategy and mitigate corruption.

Politics will significantly influence the work of public authorities at both national and local levels. Despite the launch of Prozorro and ProZorro.Sale systems according to the “everyone sees everything” principle, the government often fails to monitor compliance with the law.

While local government transparency has increased in recent years, it is only at the level of 30% according to the #TransparentCities Transparency Ranking 2019. Citizens and business representatives on the ground do not have full access to information, which makes for a high likelihood of corruption risks and additional barriers.

TI Ukraine aims at


A Reboot of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention

and Engagement of Whistleblowers in Combating Corruption

During the three years of political dependence, the NACP has proven its functional failure and has undermined the idea of the anti-corruption reform. In addition, the collegiality of the body dissolved the personal responsibility of the members of the Agency. The NACP needed a reboot. This process began in 2019, when a competition for the selection of the NACP head was held.

The pressure on the whistleblowers remains a serious problem. There is a need for quality protection for those who are not afraid to report corruption. If the legislation is strong enough, corrupt officials are accountable before the law, funds are coming to the budget, detection of crime is rising, the state is improving its ranking in the perception of corruption, and the whistleblowers are rewarded. In 2019, the parliament passed the necessary provisions of the law, which came into effect on January 1, 2020.


as an institution
with individual decision-making and accountability.

to develop the concept of the law on the NACP reboot.

on the protection of whistleblowers and supported strengthening their role in combating corruption.

of the draft laws on the reboot of the NACP and the protection of the whistleblowers.

TI Ukraine’s Head of Legal became the co-chair of the Selection Commission, and the organization monitored the process of this competition and actively communicated its progress.

were somehow affiliated with a political party



candidates had issues in the declarations (~ 45%)


candidates for the position of the Head of the NACP were analyzed



had history of alleged unethical behavior

Laws on rebooting the NACP and protecting the whistleblowers of corruption were adopted.

The Head of the NACP was selected

More than 50 broadcasts and interviews have been conducted to expand the definition of “whistleblower” and to clarify the importance of rebooting the NACP

I would like to thank the Secretariat, the two international anti-corruption projects and all external stakeholders, in particular Ukrainian non-governmental organizations, for their strong assistance and support to the Commission within the extremely tight deadlines set by the legislation.

Tilman Hoppe
co-chair of the Selection Commission for the Head of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention

Patners and donors

Innovations in Combating Corruption

Since 2016, the Prozorro system has become mandatory for the procurement of goods and services required by the government agencies and businesses. The same year the ProZorro.Sale system was launched, which made it possible to sell and lease public or municipal property and assets of bankrupt banks.

However, without responsible state control, these systems cannot fully fulfill the functions assigned to them. Therefore, in the sphere of public procurement and public/municipal property sales and lease, there remains a high level of corruption and a low level of efficiency, which was one of the major challenges for the TI Ukraine team in 2019.


on public procurement, sale of assets owned by bankrupt entities and lease of public and municipal property

and helped improve IT solutions for the system. Provided the development of blockchain for the system.

In the public module, analysts have launched a panel for governing bodies, which quickly helps to understand the risks involved in procuring subordinated suppliers.

The third successful DOZORRO-Fest was held in September 2019. In the event, participants were able to raise motivation, gain new knowledge and discuss issues in the procurement field.

and continued cooperation with regional online publications covering successes and failures of procurement

In partnership with the Reform Support Team, the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture
we developed the necessary functionality and transferred it into state ownership

for the sale of assets of bankrupt banks and the State Enterprise “Prozorro.Sale” for the sale of small-scale privatization entities

In partnership with the Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture Reform Support Team, created a ProZvit State Enterprise Analytical Reporting Portal. We continue to improve and develop it.

analytical studies: on public procurement, on petrol and gas procurement and business confidence in ProZorro







media stories about members of the DOZORRO community in the regions

Trained the suppliers, business and the public to take full advantage of analytical tools.

Created a DOZORRO bot that allows users to subscribe to tenders and quickly be notified about all updates in them.

Increased the number of unique visitors in the public BI module




Together with the
we sent


complaints of procurement violations




criminal proceedings





Launched an online map of procurements for school repairs

Nataliia Vyniarchuk,
Donor Coordinator of Innovation Projects Program (until 2019) for “Forbes”

Partners and donors

The low level of transparency of local government is one of the reasons of the high level of corruption. Simultaneously, there is a lack of community participation in policy development and implementation as well as in understanding of the tools of influence on local authorities by local activists.

In 2019, there was a growing interest from many local councils in improving transparency, although some cities continue to ignore TI Ukraine’s recommendations.


based on an updated methodology.

that teaches using transparency tools to solve city problems. We conducted 10 workshops on its use in Kyiv and the regions.

As a result, cities compete for ranking and become more attractive to investors.

in a survey sponsored by Transparency International Slovensko. According to the results, the Ukrainian capital ranked sixth.


visitors to events



Mariupol has attracted more than EUR 160 million in investments, with increased transparency playing a major role.

Transparency International Ireland has used our methodology to develop its Integrity Index.


City Council members were introduced to the benefits of transparency


speakers at events in 8 spheres on transparency, accountability, decentralization and civic engagement

events where we acted as co-organizers or participants

Thanks to the cooperation with the TI Ukraine team, Drohobych managed to create quality mechanisms for interaction with the public and the business environment. Recommendations for developing transparency and accountability in governance have become the foundation for our community’s sustainable development. The city updated the Community Regulations, including on the recommendations of TI Ukraine. We highly appreciate cooperation with TI Ukraine and look forward to working together in the future.

Taras Kuchma,
Mayor of Drohobych

Civil society works to develop and support local governments, helping them to become more transparent, accountable and responsible. For example, TI Ukraine’s Transparent Cities program has helped improve the transparency of 32 cities over 18 months.

Open Government Partnership

The Transparent Cities program is helping Mariupol build an open, transparent and accessible municipality. It provides clear guidelines and directions for improving the processes of our work, which is primarily aimed at our citizens.

The result is a jump from 57th place to the top of the Transparency International Ukraine’s Transparent Cities ranking. Working in this direction has become an important component of the “Mariupol effect”, through which our city has been able to attract a record amount of EUR 160 million investments in three years

Mykhailo Ivchenko,
Deputy Mayor of Mariupol

Transparency International Ukraine is working to build a sustainable program based on this experience that focuses on four areas of work: transparency, accountability, investment, and public engagement. Thus, the achievement of the project is not simply significant – its results will remain effective even after its completion

Partners and donors

@ Transparency International Ukraine 2020

Transparency International is an anti-corruption organization founded in 1993 in Berlin by former World Bank director Peter Eigen. Currently, the chair of the Board is Delia Ferreira. Transparency International operates in more than 100 countries worldwide. The organization is best known for its Corruption Perceptions Index and Global Corruption Barometer. According to Global Go To Think Index Tank 2017, Transparency International ranked 51st out of 173 global think tanks and was the leader among 65 think tanks working on issues of open and good governance.