Engagement. Annual report 2019

Annual Report of TI Ukraine 2019

Engage the maximum number of allies and create conditions enabling them to unite into effective networks by providing them with regular support.


more about context

building partnerships with representatives of the business community who support the spread of integrity;

forming an informal community of local authorities working to implement transparency and accountability practices;

establishment of cooperation in the united network of NGOs and active citizens dealing with anti-corruption issues.

Due to the decentralization reform, opportunities and financial resources on the ground are growing significantly. The success of this reform depends on both the authorities and the citizens, on their willingness to take responsibility for changes, to become involved in the decision-making process.

TI Ukraine has developed a range of citizen engagement tools: the DOZORRO monitoring ecosystem, the BI tools, the City Transparency Ranking. However, these tools are and will be effective only if they are actively used by citizens.

TI Ukraine aims at


There is a high tolerance for corruption and therefore a low involvement in the fight against corruption. It creates particular difficulties in communicating anti-corruption issues.

In 2019, a series of high-profile journalist investigations of corruption took place. Given the presidential and parliamentary elections, public interest in such matters has increased significantly. Therefore, the communication team of TI Ukraine began to actively work on expanding the channels of informing the society on anti-corruption issues and reaching a larger audience.


where we discussed anti-corruption victories, lessons learned and further challenges with our partners and journalists.

“It is you a corrupt official steals from.”

through media, social networks and offline events.

Within the framework of such cooperation, we have published special projects dedicated to the 100 days of the High Anti-Corruption Court, the results of 5 years of reforms and the role of peers of independence in the successes of the state.

page views from 175 countries.

600 000


million people reached by the second wave of the information campaign “It is you a corrupt official steals from”

12 000

mentions of the organization and its speakers in the media



events where the TI Ukraine team was represented

More than 60 articles by TI Ukraine experts


unique contacts have been added to our database over 2019

During the past five years, Ukraine has demonstrated considerable progress in its anti-corruption struggle. This was made possible, among other things, thanks to the increasingly professional team of Transparency International Ukraine. In 2014, we could only dream of organizing an event as big as the conference “Five Years of Fighting Corruption.” Now, this has happened, and it was because of TI Ukraine’s team.

Yaroslav Yurchyshyn,
Executive Director of TI Ukraine 2016-2018

Partners and donors

International Relations and Fundraising

In view of the 2019 presidential and parliamentary elections, the international community has been paying close attention to the events in Ukraine, including in the fight against corruption.

In 2019, Ukraine has become a party to the scandal with the US, which has strengthened the vision of Ukraine as a corrupt country among other countries.


Another challenge is that the nonprofit nature of the organization requires a constant search for funds to implement the organization’s existing anti-corruption priorities, and raises the need for additional funding and the search for new sources of revenue.

among representatives of embassies and international organizations in Ukraine.

in Ukraine to the international community. Presented the results of TI Ukraine’s programs on the international scene. We disseminated the best innovative practices from Ukraine abroad.

for the needs of the organization.

international trips



members of the team were involved



times we met with the representatives of the International Monetary Fund and advocated anti-corruption measures for Ukraine

We took an active part in international internships and exchanges of experience: in the TI Sri Lanka chapter on electronic declarations, in the TI UK chapter on asset recovery, in the TI Lithuania chapter on the procurement and work of anti-corruption bodies.

events the representatives participated as speakers

Our representative attended a closed meeting with Barack Obama at the Global Open Government Partnership Summit (OGP) in Ottawa





– as participants


– other activities

Many donors are willing to support public authorities only through TI Ukraine. Thanks to TI Ukraine’s advocacy efforts, international organizations are involved in the (re)launch of anti-corruption institutions.

Engaging Youth in Combating Corruption

Cooperation with the Ukrainian Leadership Academy

A particular challenge for the organization was the tolerant attitudes of young people to corruption, the passivity of young leaders in the civic, in particular, anti-corruption activities.


Within the framework of a special anti-corruption course developed for the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, TI Ukraine representatives gave lectures in 6 cities. The focus was on anti-corruption mechanisms and tools.







positive reviews and comments with appreciation from the participants


more participants than planned



of participants described this anti-corruption course as useful

will participate in similar events in the future


indicated that they received useful information


the average score on the results of testing before the anti-corruption course


of the audience liked the event as a whole


the average score on the results of testing after the anti-corruption course

This course has helped our students understand the principles of integrity and transparency of government and, through practical tasks, realize that its level of effectiveness depends on the quality of interaction between the state and the citizens. Thank you for your contribution to the formation of a generation of young people who take responsibility for our nation and who have the necessary capabilities to do so.

Roman Tychkivskyi,
Head of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy

Very accessible and understandable explanations. Modern, interactive presentations, very useful practical information. MEGA COOL, thank you!

Many new, cool speakers who answered all the questions well. The topic of corruption and statistics among the general population caught my attention.

Accessible and interesting material, enough practice, examples, case studies. Teachers’ qualifications, well-designed presentations, and speeches.


Extremely useful information, helped to get all my ducks in a row, provided many examples of corruption in other countries, it was also interesting.

Partners and donors

Participation in Festivals

To raise awareness about anti-corruption tools in 2019, the TI Ukraine team visited festivals across Ukraine. One of the largest was the Atlas Weekend Music Festival in Kyiv. Within six days, more than 15,000 people visited the Planet of NGOs. In addition to TI Ukraine, 50 civic organizations became part of the GROWMADA program “Join!”.

Among the Kyiv events, we joined the DumkoFest, which was organized by NABU together with with the support of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine.

We spoke about our activity not only in the capital but also in different cities of the country. In particular, at the end of August, we took part in the GROWMADA location at RespublicaFest in Khmelnytskyi, which was visited by over 3,500 people.

Also, the Transparent Cities team shared tips on how to make cities more comfortable, talked about the Top 100 City Transparency Ranking and successful city council transparency practices. The residents of Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi and Chornomorsk learned about it during the festival “From Country to Ukraine.”

In addition to offline quizzes during the festivals, we have conducted online giveaways on Instagram and Telegram, which attracted more schoolchildren and university students to the international anti-corruption movement in Ukraine. We also encouraged internships and collaborations with TI Ukraine during the BUM Summit and graduating ceremony of the Ukrainian Leadership Academy.

Photo by Jacob
Photo by Leio
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Marion
Photo by Jacob
Photo by Shifaaz
Photo by Mike
Photo by Jason

The team argued in court that the transport fares in the Dnipro electric transport should be changed only within the regulatory procedure established by the relevant law.

Hromadskyi Kontrol

The Supreme Court of Ukraine sided with us in the court dispute with Hennadiy Korban. More than a year ago, we discovered close ties between the Dnipro mayor, Borys Filatov, and a Polish subsidiary, which began winning tenders for road repairs. In response, Hennadiy Korban filed a lawsuit against Civic Control.

After our investigation, the former head of the State Inspectorate for the Dnepropetrovsk region Dmytro Shybko lost his post. We have found out that Mr. Shybko’s wife is a co-founder of Serpen-9 LLC. The director of this firm is the person who simultaneously manages the LLC “Nice” – the enterprise emits about 46 million cubic meters of untreated water into the Dnipro River per year.

After many years of work and litigation, the Civic Control team has obtained public information about staffing and salaries of employees from the Dniprovodokanal public utility of the Dnipro city council.

On the eve of the presidential election, our team, along with a number of Dnipro activists, exposed the city authorities’ attempt to “bribe” the townspeople in favor of the then-president.


As an active member of the strategic working group under the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine, we facilitated the successful implementation of the second stage of the transition plan from donor to budget funding in the sphere of HIV prevention and treatment and initiation of the third stage.

Institute of Analysis and Advocacy

Started the development and implementation of the Poltava Smart City ecosystem.

Researched the abuse of power in the electoral process: singled out 184 cases, held 11 events for 300 participants.


analytical products developed


legal services for the people of Poltava oblast amalgamated communities were provided


public events were held


events where we were represented


Budget Advocacy Schools were held


advisory sessions for regional NGOs, 6 workshops and 4 internships


During 2019, our experts found violations in 2,825 purchases of customers from 9 regions of Ukraine for the amount of 3,208,000,000 UAH

Center for public monitoring and research

This year, our experts found, investigated, analyzed, and sent 353 appeals to law enforcement and regulatory bodies. Rural, city, district and oblast officials, members of the tender committees, and a large number of unscrupulous entrepreneurs became the perpetrators.

The State Audit Service of Ukraine managed to check only 262 purchases and confirmed the violations found by our experts for UAH 1,187,000 000.


trainings for procurers and bidders in more than 60 settlements in Ukraine


billions of hryvnias – is the amount of purchases with violations


issues of the “Hromadskyi Monitor” newspaper were published with a total circulation of over 90,000 copies


fraudulent bidding cases were detected


million hryvnias – the total amount of fines from AMCU


appeals to law enforcement and regulatory bodies were sent


Narodnyi Zakhyst

Success in a three-year lawsuit against State Fiscal Service regarding the disclosure of information on the use of funds by utility companies.

Investigation of the expenses of the “deputy fund”. Establishment and introduction of the methodology of research of “deputy funds” of local councils’ deputies.


Public inquiries to send allegations of corruption to the competent authorities.

million as the allegations of an offense were directed to the National Police in the Zaporizhia region, the State Fiscal Service and the State Audit Service


@ Transparency International Ukraine 2020

Transparency International is an anti-corruption organization founded in 1993 in Berlin by former World Bank director Peter Eigen. Currently, the chair of the Board is Delia Ferreira. Transparency International operates in more than 100 countries worldwide. The organization is best known for its Corruption Perceptions Index and Global Corruption Barometer. According to Global Go To Think Index Tank 2017, Transparency International ranked 51st out of 173 global think tanks and was the leader among 65 think tanks working on issues of open and good governance.