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August 21, 2020
Head of SAPO Nazar Kholodnytskyi resigned from Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.
August 19, 2020
On August 18, the High Anti-Corruption Court closed the proceeding concerning possible false declaration of former Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr…
August 17, 2020
A joint statement by Transparency International’s Europe and Central Asia chapters
August 17, 2020
Former Minister of Ecology Mykola Zlochevskyi has been put in custody in absentia in the case on USD 6 million…
August 13, 2020
Brief case description On March 6, 2019, the SAPO, the Prosecutor General’s Office and the SBU detained Deputy Head of…
August 13, 2020
This year, Ukraine has scored 97.05 points out of 100, thus winning Transparent Public Procurement Rating. The runners-up are Moldova…
August 11, 2020
In winter, Transparency International presented its Corruption Perceptions Index 2019. Ukraine scored 30 points out of 100 possible, while Belarus…
August 10, 2020
Brief case description In the winter of 2014-2015, D. V. Kriuchkov as Chairman of the Board of PrAT KhK Energomerezha…
August 10, 2020
The first month of monitoring of the High Anti-Corruption Court’s performance has gone by. TI Ukraine’s junior lawyers have spent…
August 8, 2020
Brief case description On February 6, 2019, NABU detectives began investigating possible abuse of office by Viktor Sysa, Director of…
August 7, 2020
On August 4, investigative judge Vovk of Pecherskyi District Court effectively made Prosecutor General take the case on violations by…
August 6, 2020
The High Anti-Corruption Court ruled former director of Centergaz guilty of embezzlement of UAH 8.6 million. This is the Court’s…
August 5, 2020
ZMINA Human Rights Center has presented its monitoring report on pressure on, and persecution of, activists in Q2 of 2020.…
August 5, 2020
You definitely hear at least something about the High Anti-Corruption Court every day. But do you know enough about the…