
September 9, 2022
Verifying the real owners of companies will now be easier.
September 8, 2022
The Verkhovna Rada appointed a new head of the SPFU.
September 5, 2022
On September 5, MPs from the non-specialized committee of the Verkhovna Rada on local self-government and regional development supported as a…
August 26, 2022
On August 25, the Board of TI Ukraine elected a new head — Olena Kifenko. Olena has almost ten years…
August 24, 2022
Remember that Ukrainians defend democratic values and their independence at the cost of their lives. So, it is crucial to…
August 24, 2022
31 years of independence and 6 months of full-scale war are an excuse to see how resilient anti-corruption bodies have…
August 15, 2022
None of the seven candidates got the necessary six votes to be elected. It's up to the Cabinet of Ministers…
August 15, 2022
Chair of the Board of Transparency International Ukraine Andrii Vyshnevskyi has resigned from the organization due to his appointment as…