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February 21, 2019
On 21 February, the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center hosted a briefing on the potential threats to the High Anti-Corruption Court…
February 21, 2019
On 21 February, Solomianskyi district court of Kyiv ruled to leave the Novorozdilska heat and power plant, owned by Dubnevych…
TI Ukraine, the accredited chapter of the global anti-corruption organization Transparency International will present the results of its research Transparency…
February 20, 2019
Larysa Holnyk, whistleblower judge from Poltava, will not be able to participate in the competition for the High Anti-Corruption Court…
February 20, 2019
Deposit Guarantee Fund received the ProZorro.Sale database from Transparency International Ukraine.
February 14, 2019
On 13 February, the High Qualification Commission of Judges finished interviewing potential anti-corruption judges. This week, the HQCJ has had…
February 13, 2019
In November and December 2018 the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance (UNIC) conducted the survey “Corruption Risks in the…
The Ukrainian chapter of the global anti-corruption network Transparency International cordially invites everyone interested to the open lecture Mukachevo: Being the…
The Ukrainian chapter of the global anti-corruption network Transparency International cordially invites everyone interested to the open lecture Changing the City: How…