Blogs and comments

September 6, 2018
We Need Public Transit Reform Instead of UAH 8 for One Ticket That Gets Us Nowhere. Blog by Kateryna Tsybenko
Many of you will recognize the feeling: you come back to Kyiv from abroad and you immediately hate our public transit. The first object of…

September 6, 2018
Illusion of Secrecy. Are we able to keep our Secrets?
In Ukraine, about 55 percent of defence procurement is classified through the State Secrets. While the best international practices range from 1 to 20 percent…

August 30, 2018
How to Avoid Mistakes in Public Sales
Novoye Vremia. Business The public sales market is one of the fastest developing sectors nowadays. But there are inevitably mistakes in transparent auctions as well,…

August 16, 2018
Constitutional Nonsense. How MPs Remembered ARMA
56 MPs approached the Constitutional Court with a motion to recognize the activity of Asset Recovery and Management Agency on actual asset management unconstitutional. No…

August 16, 2018
Ukraine Passes Anticorruption Court Law. What’s Next?
Atlantic Council Ukraine finally got an Anticorruption Court on June 26. That day, President Petro Poroshenko signed the law which establishes the court. Importantly, the…

August 15, 2018
Should the Law on the NABU Be Changed for Audit Commission?
Member of the external control commission Pavlo Zhebrivskyi has stated that he is intending to resign unless the Verkhovna Rada regulates all issues pertaining to…

July 30, 2018
Become a Judge of the High Anti-Corruption Court!
On 24 July the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJ) announced registration of intention to participate in the competition to the High Anti-Corruption…

July 26, 2018
How Authorities Emasculate the Idea of E-Declarations
“What is the point of those e-declarations if they don’t work?” says my friend, indignant, scrolling Facebook over coffee. “The register is stuffed to the…

July 5, 2018
Amendments in the Procurement Law. What’s in the Bill 8265?
The e-procurement system has been active for two years already. The reform didn’t finish with the launch of ProZorro; technical and legislative amendments still go…

June 27, 2018
New Law on National Security: What Will Change In The Defence Sector?
After almost three years of difficult negotiations and coordination on 21 January 2018 Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law on National Security of Ukraine which was…

June 18, 2018
Why Should Appeals on NABU Cases Be Reviewed Only in the Anti-Corruption Court?
via Delo.UA Lawyer Maksym Kostetskyi explains why appeals on NABU cases which are currently handled in courts, will as of now be reviewed in general jurisdiction…

June 4, 2018
Yaroslav Yuchyshyn: “Your Voters Trust International Partners with Anti-Corruption Court. Still Ignoring It?”
83% of Ukrainians consider the fight against corruption in Ukraine unsuccessful. This is the result of the May survey carried out by Ilko Kucheriv Democratic…

May 31, 2018
What Exactly Does Ukroboronprom Procure?
Ukroboronprom tender committee has introduced changes to tender documentation concerning procurement of consulting services for the amount of UAH 130 million. The concern has undertaken…

May 29, 2018
How to Restore Justice in Public Procurement: Possibilities of DOZORRO
In his speech at Zakupki Forum, project manager of Transparency International and coordinator of DOZORRO Ivan Lakhtionov explained how reviews and disputes influenced restoring justice…

May 29, 2018
How to Restore Justice in Public Procurement: Possibilities of DOZORRO
The monitoring community of DOZORRO portal succeeds at restoring the justice in 40% of procurements with violations. The portal is integrated with ProZorro and all…

May 29, 2018
Why MPs Are Stalling with Passage of Law on the Anti-Corruption Court
MPs had three days to consider 1925 amendments to the draft law “On Anti-Corruption Court.” High time they stopped dragging it out. Doing so, Ukraine…