Blogs and comments

August 24, 2019
Anti-Corruption Lessons of Independence: Who Benefits from Corruption in Ukraine
Ukraine is 28. A person would be an adult. A state is not. Not Ukraine, at least.

August 23, 2019
The global anti-corruption network Transparency International has published a survey on access to information in European capitals. Kyiv was ranked among highest, and Stockholm, for…

August 20, 2019
Without fear but with reproach. How whistleblowers are protected in the world
It became known today that the Office of the President has introduced a draft law on corruption whistleblowers. Let's look at how this legislation works…

August 14, 2019
The First Test for Zelenskyy
Soon, two new members of the High Council of Justice will be selected: a shortlist of 10 candidates who will go through special verification has…

August 13, 2019
What Endangers the Bankruptcy Reform
Until now, there has been no effective mechanism to sell the property of bankrupt entities in Ukraine. This complicated things both for potential buyers and…

August 8, 2019
Selling Seized Assets: What Needs to Change in SETAM System
The system of electronic trade in seized property. Two sections of problems that need to be solved. Since the beginning of 2019, Asset Recovery and…

August 6, 2019
How Kyivavtodor Obstructs Bike Lane Development in the Capital
Kyiv is on the 13th place in the traffic congestion ranking. This problem can be partially tackled by developing a comfortable cycling infrastructure. According to…

July 29, 2019
On the Anti-Corruption Elephant
Interview of TI Ukraine’s Executive Director Andrii Borovyk for Espreso.TV We should be careful about the trap that may happen with the scandal around Kyiv Administrative…

July 29, 2019
Why Improve the Register of Beneficial Owners
As part of the international initiative Open Government Partnership, the Memorandum of Cooperation on Developing a Verification Mechanism for Information on Ultimate Beneficial Owners. What…

July 25, 2019
How Innovation Helps to Fight Corruption: Three Tips from TI Ukraine
Yesterday, alternative draft Anti-Corruption Strategy and National Program for its implementation for 2019-2023 were presented at the conference “New Anti-Corruption Strategy for Ukraine.” TI Ukraine’s…

July 25, 2019
Punishment for Violating Fair Rules in Procurement
Are fair play rules in procurement being violated? Approach the procuring entity with the demand to fix it. If the procuring entity ignores you, go…

July 24, 2019
Chaos and Prospects of Judicial Governance
In Ukraine, if you don’t have something terrible to say about courts, you say nothing at all. The recent decisions made by Baryshivskyi court, Kyiv…

July 22, 2019
Ukrainians on Courts: We Don’t Know Them but Don’t Trust Them
“Let the people decide who is to become the judge,” says one of the MP candidates. Hmm. What an interesting idea, say we. In such…

July 11, 2019
Why NACP Should Cease Collegiate Decision-Making
“My dream job is a job without Korchak”, “My dream is Ukraine without the likes of Korchak!” Do you think these are the new election slogans?…

July 10, 2019
The Obvious and the Obscure: Ukraine Reform Conference in Toronto
Last week, the third Ukraine Reform Conference was held in Toronto. Articles with quotes by famous politicians and civil society representatives proliferated in the media.…

July 9, 2019
HACC Jurisdiction under New Draft Law
Since 5 September 2019, the High Anti-Corruption Court (HACC) is supposed to receive all the indictments and motions concerning cases under its jurisdiction. Under the…