Blogs and comments

April 21, 2020
The New Law on Procurement Means New Opportunities for Business
Last year, more than 53 thousand companies participated in competitive bidding on Prozorro. The business that is going to participate in public procurement this year…

April 17, 2020
Five Years of NABU’s Hard Work, Yet People Care Only about Convictions
A couple of days ago, mayor Trukhanov was once again served with charges by the NABU and the SAPO because of his wife’s property. This…

April 16, 2020
Procurement of Medical Masks: April 15 Update
As of April 15, over 8.4 million medical masks for a total of UAH 106 million have been procured in Ukraine. This is the 2020…

April 7, 2020
Is Corruption Overcome in Ukraine? Not Quite, Says Europe
In March, the Group of States against Corruption published a report based on monitoring of Ukraine’s anti-corruption progress. For a too long, didn’t read version: we…

April 6, 2020
Medical Procurement during Pandemic: Surging Demand and Price Gouging
The coronavirus pandemic has forced the government and local authorities to respond to the threat rapidly, redistributing budget funds. On April 1, the Government made…

April 4, 2020
How Much the Government Spends on Masks
A deficit of masks is clear not only to regular citizens but also to public procuring entities: hospitals, the military, public and local authorities. We…

April 1, 2020
TI Ukraine’s Three Key Achievements in 2019
TI Ukraine has recently presented its Annual Report 2019. The organization’s Executive Director Andrii Borovyk has shared its main achievements based on each strategic priority…

March 29, 2020
Stopping COVID-19 in Ukraine: Procurement of Tests Is Not Enough
Mass testing is one of the most effective ways to stop the coronavirus. What’s happening in Ukraine? You can see data on test procurement in…

March 27, 2020
Audit of Prozorro.Sale Efficiency: Somewhat Biased and Controversial
Recently, the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine has published a report based on the audit of state-owned enterprise Prozorro.Sale. After analyzing it, I have doubts concerning…

March 25, 2020
Online Voting and Constitution: What’s Wrong with That
While governments across the globe continue to implement extraordinary measures to flatten the curve, Ukrainian MPs decided to protect themselves against the virus as well.…

March 24, 2020
Chasing Transparency. New Research by Transparent Cities
“We work not just for a position in the ranking, but first of all, for the comfort of our citizens.” This statement by one of…

March 20, 2020
Persecution through HCJ: Updates on Larysa Holnyk’s Case
On March 18, the Disciplinary Chamber of the High Council of Justice denied Head of Oktiabrskyi District Court of Poltava judge Strukov to open a…

March 17, 2020
Coming: Rapid Government Response to COVID Scheming
Procurement designed to prevent new cases and further spread of the coronavirus will take place through direct agreements. However, thanks to the joint effort of…

March 5, 2020
Ordinary People Believe Sentences to be a Sign of Successful Fight Against Corruption
According to a survey of the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology, 83% of Ukrainians believe that the fight against top corruption is unsuccessful. Legal advisor…

March 2, 2020
Today, there’s much to be said for judicial reform, for the failure to relaunch judicial governance agencies and conduct a thorough qualification evaluation of judges.…

February 26, 2020
Challenges for Ukraine on the path to reforms
Over the past six months, there have been many changes in the fight against corruption in Ukraine. But that's still not enough.