
September 24, 2021
School Breakfasts in Kyiv: Binary Multi-Profile and Portions UAH 8 Each
The capital's school food market is once again volatile because of contractors' wars, and canteens are waiting for new equipment.
September 23, 2021
This document is aimed at starting to reform the sphere of public administration, which has been ignored by statesmen for…
September 17, 2021
On September 15, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft budget of Ukraine for the next year. This document has…
September 16, 2021
The Supreme Court acquitted Volodymyr Ponomarenko, ex-judge of the Cherkasy oblast Court of Appeal, overturning the verdict of the Anti-Corruption…

September 15, 2021
Focus on accountability: how Ukrainian cities fight for openness
The first Transparency Ranking of the 100 biggest cities highlighted the very points of challenge that cities should work on first. For now, the transparency…

September 15, 2021
Kyiv’s Participatory Budget Taken over by MPs’ Teams
Participatory budget is designed to expand the tools of real democracy and at the same time train citizens to develop cooperation skills and understand the…
September 15, 2021
TI Ukraine announces a competitive selection of regional civil society organizations for cooperation.
September 12, 2021
Participatory budget is an opportunity to change your city or community using budget funds, that is, for the taxes that…

September 10, 2021
What Your School Buys: First-Grader Kit
UAH 14.5 million was spent on gifts for first-graders. We looked into the content and the price of first-grader kits.

September 7, 2021
First Object of Large-Scale Privatization: Why Delay UMCC Auction?
Postponing the privatization auction of AT United Mining and Chemical Company will allow to engage more investors in the auction, which guarantees high competition and…

September 6, 2021
Interim Measures, Verdicts, and More. Achievements of HACC in 2 Years
September 5 marks two years since the launch of the High Anti-Corruption Court. This time is not enough for the final assessment of the activity…
September 3, 2021
As for now, the amount of expenses for the celebration of independence has reached UAH 240 mln.

September 2, 2021
Zelenskyy and Biden’s Anti-Corruption Agreements
The independence and capacity of the anti-corruption ecosystem is what I read in the strategic statement signed by the presidents of Ukraine and the United…

September 1, 2021
What Your School Buys: School Buses
How, why, and from whom educational institutions purchase transport in Prozorro. Analytics of the school bus procurement in Prozorro for 2019-2021.

September 1, 2021
5 Years of E-Declaration: Mission Possible?
On September 1, 2016, e-declaration of officials was launched in Ukraine. What has been achieved in 5 years, and what are the challenges the system…
August 30, 2021
At least UAH 89 mln more will be paid for speeding up deliveries than it was planned to spend on…