September 29, 2021
On August 31, 2021, Oleksandr Novikov, head of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention, issued Order No. 553/21, registered with…

September 1, 2021
5 Years of E-Declaration: Mission Possible?
On September 1, 2016, e-declaration of officials was launched in Ukraine. What has been achieved in 5 years, and what are the challenges the system…
July 26, 2021
The National Agency on Corruption Prevention has the right to issue a precept on violation of the legislation requirements on…
June 16, 2021
The Verkhovna Rada's Law Enforcement Committee considered and recommended that the Parliament adopt the President's proposals to draft law No.…
June 16, 2021
On June 16, the Legal Policy Committee will consider two draft laws on amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On…
June 15, 2021
Volodymyr Zelenskyy vetoes the law on fake liability for lying in declarations
June 14, 2021
The draft Anti-Corruption Strategy should be approved by the President as soon as possible
June 3, 2021
The presidential draft law №4651 has been adopted and three amendments have been supported which largely offset its positive effects…

May 28, 2021
Lifestyle Monitoring in Ukraine. Do We Need It?
What are the prospects of lifestyle monitoring in Ukraine?
May 7, 2021
On May 6, the Venice Commission and Directorate General for Human Rights and the Rule of Law of the Council…

April 26, 2021
What Lifestyle Monitoring Means
Last year, the NACP applied the procedure for monitoring the lifestyle of officials for the first time. However, both last year and today we are…
April 15, 2021
Today, on April 15, MPs voted in the first reading for strengthening criminal liability for failure to submit an electronic…

April 15, 2021
Lifestyle monitoring is a new procedure for Ukraine, although it was introduced in 2014. Such a revision shows whether the standard of living of the…

April 2, 2021
Declarations “the New Way”: What Happens Next
The main e-declaration campaign this year is over. But will it be effective and efficient? Last year, officials filed declarations before June 1, but this…

March 18, 2021
6 Years of National Agency on Corruption Prevention: Where Does It Go from Here?
On March 18, 2015, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine established a central body of executive power with a special status—the National Agency on Corruption…
March 16, 2021
On March 16, the Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy of the Verkhovna Rada completed the review of all 504 amendments…