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May 24, 2021
The self-proclaimed President of Belarus has long been called the last dictator of Europe. And yesterday’s case of the forced…
May 21, 2021
Ex-MP was receiving monetary compensation for using a room in the “Kyiv” hotel while owning an apartment.
May 21, 2021
On May 21, parliamentarians adopted as a basis draft law No. 5459-1 on changing the status of NABU. This draft law…
May 20, 2021
On May 20, Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a press conference dedicated to the 2nd anniversary of his presidency. The president announced…
May 19, 2021
On May 19, the Verkhovna Rada committees adopted as many as three important decisions that can significantly affect the fight…
After the Revolution of Dignity, Ukraine took an unquestioning course towards reforms. For 7 years now, we have been constantly…
May 18, 2021
Recently, TI Ukraine published an analysis of the draft law No. 5459 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on Bringing the Status of…
Член команди
Kateryna graduated from the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy with a degree in Finance, Banking and Insurance. She started working in the organization
May 14, 2021
On April 30, 2021, MPs from Servant of the people registered draft law No. 5459 “On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine…
May 14, 2021
On May 12, the Anti-Corruption Court canceled the seizure of property in one of the largest criminal proceedings on corruption in Ukraine.…
May 12, 2021
Since 2016, every Ukrainian can buy or rent state property through the ProZorro.Sale electronic platform. In less than 5 years of the…
May 12, 2021
On May 12, the High Anti-Corruption Court convicted Moldovan citizen Serhii Nerukh for committing a criminal offense under Article 369,…
May 11, 2021
Democracy in action. At least, this is the bright goal of public councils. We explain what this democratic tool is,…
May 7, 2021
On May 6, the Venice Commission and Directorate General for Human Rights and the Rule of Law of the Council…